How to Link Googleanalytics 3.01 with Xcode 5 (Missing Required Architecture X86_64)

Unable to link GoogleAnalytics 3.01 with XCode 5 (missing required architecture x86_64)

You're not doing anything wrong. I'm pretty sure google has not yet provided a arm64 version of their libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a, which is really annoying has been weeks since the public the release of Xcode 5GM.

For now, I guess only build for armv7, armv7s or remove google analytics until they get their head out of their pants.

UDATE: Finally fixed

Unable to link GoogleAnalytics 3.10 with XCode 5 (missing required architecture x86_64)]

Added libsqlite3.0.dylib to the Link Binary With Libraries in the Build Phases tab. It worked!!!!

Adding Google_analytics for iOS is not working tried many ways?

Had same problem till I added the libGoogleAnalyticsServices.a and libsqlite3.0.dylib to "Link Binary with Libraries"

Here is my full list:

Sample Image

Ignoring file SDWebImage.framework, missing required architecture x86_64

As of now, this is fixed in the master branch, but it is not included in the latest .framework release. What I did to make it work was this:

1) Download the latest release from the master branch (currently

2) Remove SDWebImage.framework from my project.

3) Copy the source files from the zip (Everything inside SDWebImage + the files NSData+ImageContentType.h and NSData+ImageContentType.m) into my project.

4) Replace the header includes of to "SDWebImage.../...h"

Might be a better way to do this, but this solved the problem for me. As I understand it,64-bit support will be added to the next proper release.

Ignoring file SDWebImage.framework, missing required architecture x86_64

As of now, this is fixed in the master branch, but it is not included in the latest .framework release. What I did to make it work was this:

1) Download the latest release from the master branch (currently

2) Remove SDWebImage.framework from my project.

3) Copy the source files from the zip (Everything inside SDWebImage + the files NSData+ImageContentType.h and NSData+ImageContentType.m) into my project.

4) Replace the header includes of to "SDWebImage.../...h"

Might be a better way to do this, but this solved the problem for me. As I understand it,64-bit support will be added to the next proper release.

Quickblox link error _iconv on simulator builds

Simple enough to fix this by including libiconv.dylib - when I first ran into this problem it was part of a much larger issue caused by xcode always looking for the armvx libs instead of 386 ones for the simulator. Not quite sure why it now only needs that library for the simulator build though.

Have posted this as the answer for anyone glancing here to see if it was answered.

Why does this return the same timestamp every time unless I re-build and run the app?

-[NSDate timeIntervalSince1970] return a NSTimeInterval not a float.

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