Lazy Loading Data in iOS Carplay

Lazy Loading Data in iOS Carplay

The way you can achieve this is inside the following function:

func beginLoadingChildItems(at indexPath: IndexPath, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void)

As Example:

if (indexPath[componentIndex] + 1) % Threshold == 0 { // Threshold is Your Defined Batch Size

// Load the next corresponding batch


Load your lazy data, then call:

completionHandler(nil) // In case of no error has occurred

,but firstly, you need to return the total items count correctly in the following function:

func numberOfChildItems(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Int

Something like the below,

class YourDataSource : MPPlayableContentDataSource {

private var items = [MPContentItem]()
private var currentBatch = 0

func beginLoadingChildItems(at indexPath: IndexPath, completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {

// indexPath[1]: is current list level, as per CarPlay list indexing (It's an array of the indices as ex: indexPath = [0,1] means Index 0 in the first level and index 1 at the second level).
// % 8: Means each 8 items, I will perform the corresponding action.
// currentBatch + 1 == nextBatch, This check in order to ensure that you load the batches in their sequences.

let currentCount = indexPath[1] + 1

let nextBatch = (currentCount / 8) + 1

if currentCount % 8 == 0 && currentBatch + 1 == nextBatch {

// Load the next corresponding batch
YourAPIHandler.asyncCall { newItems in

self.currentBatch = self.currentBatch + 1





} else {





func numberOfChildItems(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Int {

return self.items.count


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