How to Manually Deprecate Members

How to manually deprecate members

You can use the Available tag, for example :

@available(*, deprecated)
func myFunc() {
// ...

Where * is the platform (iOS, iOSApplicationExtension, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, * for all, etc.).

You can also specify the version of the platform from which it was introduced, deprecated, obsoleted, renamed, and a message :

@available(iOS, deprecated:6.0)
func myFunc() {
// calling this function is deprecated on iOS6+


@available(iOS, deprecated: 6.0, obsoleted: 7.0, message: "Because !")
func myFunc() {
// deprecated from iOS6, and obsoleted after iOS7, the message "Because !" is displayed in XCode warnings

If your project targets multiple platforms, you can use several tags like so :

@available(tvOS, deprecated:9.0.1)
@available(iOS, deprecated:9.1)
@available(macOS, unavailable, message: "Unavailable on macOS")
func myFunc() {
// ...

More details in the Swift documentation.

How to mark a method as obsolete or deprecated?

The shortest way is by adding the ObsoleteAttribute as an attribute to the method. Make sure to include an appropriate explanation:

[Obsolete("Method1 is deprecated, please use Method2 instead.")]
public void Method1()
{ … }

You can also cause the compilation to fail, treating the usage of the method as an error instead of warning, if the method is called from somewhere in code like this:

[Obsolete("Method1 is deprecated, please use Method2 instead.", true)]

How to mark functions as `@deprecate`d?

Imagine you have this method as part of the public API of your library in version 1:

# v1.0.0
mult3(x::Int) = 3x

In version 2, you'd like to stop supporting mult3 (which is a breaking change). But the same feature will still be available using a more general method:

# v2.0.0
mult(x, y) = x * y

Users of version 1 are used to using mult3, which means that their code will break when they will update to v2. Therefore, you might want to release an intermediate version in the v1.x family, where mult3 exists but is deprecated and implemented in terms of mult:

# v1.1 - transition

# This is the new API for v2
mult(x, y) = x*y

# The old API is still supported, but deprecated and implemented using the old one
@deprecate mult3(x::Int) mult(3, x)

# The above is more or less equivalent to defining
# function mult3(x::Int)
# # print an error message is `--depwarn` has been set
# return mult(3, x)
# end

The v1 API is not broken in late v1.x versions, but users calling deprecated methods will see the following kind of messages to help them transition to the newer v2 API:

julia> mult3(14)
┌ Warning: `mult3(x::Int)` is deprecated, use `mult(3, x)` instead.
│ caller = top-level scope at REPL[3]:1
└ @ Core REPL[3]:1

(but starting with Julia 1.5, the warning will only be shown if --depwarn=yes has been provided in Julia's command line or if it appears in a test suite run by Pkg.test())

Alternatively, and as mentioned in comments, you may want to leave the old implementation around, simply warning users when they call it. To this end, you can use Base.depwarn directly:

# v1.1 - transition

# This is the new API for v2
mult(x, y) = x*y

# The old API is still supported, but deprecated
# It is implemented by itself:
function mult3(x)
Base.depwarn("`mult3(x)` is deprecated, use `mult(3,x)` instead.", :mult3)
return 3x

When --depwarn=yes has been provided in Julia's command line, this produces the same kind of warning as @deprecate:

julia> mult3(14)
┌ Warning: `mult3(x)` is deprecated, use `mult(3,x)` instead.
│ caller = top-level scope at REPL[4]:1
└ @ Core REPL[4]:1

Starting with Julia 1.6, depwarn will accept a keyword argument to force warning emission even when users haven't asked for them with --depwarn=yes:

julia> Base.depwarn("Foo is deprecated", :foo, force=true)
┌ Warning: Foo is deprecated
│ caller = ip:0x0
└ @ Core :-1

Is it possible to mark something as deprecated in typescript?

You can use JSDoc comments to mark deprecated code:

* @deprecated The method should not be used
export const oldFunc = () => {}

Also, this eslint rule can look through the deprecated methods and warn about their usage.

How should I mark a method as obsolete in JS?

There are a couple of things you can do in a transition period.

  1. Add the @deprecated JSDoc flag.
  2. Add a console warning message that indicates that the function is deprecated.

A sample:

* @deprecated Since version 1.0. Will be deleted in version 3.0. Use bar instead.
function foo() {
console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");

How do I deprecate an attribute in a Moose based class

Here's another way to do it! Use MooseX::Deprecated :-)

with "MooseX::Deprecated" => {
attributes => [ "id_generator" ],

I wrote MooseX::Deprecated inspired by my previous answer to this question. It encapsulates the application of method modifiers, checking init_args, fiddling with %Carp::Internal and warnings::enabled, all into one tidy little package.

How to deprecate function when return type changes c++

Although the solution will force you to change your function names, but it'll be a compromise between your old users and your new ones.

So - rename the old foo into deprecatedFoo and your new foo into foo2 (or anything you want). Then, in the header file you include with your library, you can simply:

#define deprecatedFoo foo

and inside the function itself do:

#warning ("This function is deprecated. Use 'foo2' or change the #define in LINE in file HEADER.")

Users of the old versions won't have to change their code, and will be issued a warning, and the new users will probably listen and change the #define in order to use the new foo.

In the next version you'll just delete the old foo and the define.

Deprecate old name for class in C++

As said by others, this is very compiler specific. Assuming your classes are defined with the new name. Here is what you can do with GCC and MSVC:

class NewClassA {}; // Notice the use of the new name.

// Instead of a #define, use a typedef with a deprecated atribute:

typedef NewClassA __declspec(deprecated) OldClassA;

// GCC
//typedef NewClassA __attribute__((deprecated)) OldClassA;

int main(){
NewClassA newA;
OldClassA oldA;

MSVC yields:

warning C4996: 'OldClassA': was declared deprecated

GCC yields:

warning: 'OldClassA' is deprecated

No warning is emmited for NewClassA newA; by either compiler.

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