How to Get Touches When Parent View Has Userinteractionenabled Set to No in iOS

How to get touches when parent view has userInteractionEnabled set to NO in iOS

To get a view to let touches pass-through but give its subviews handle touches, let userInteractionEnabled on that view to YES and, instead, use this snippet:

-(id)hitTest:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
id hitView = [super hitTest:point withEvent:event];
if (hitView == self) return nil;
else return hitView;


UIView -- user interaction enabled false on parent but true on child?

That's correct, userInteractionEnabled set to NO on a parent view will cascade down to all subviews. If you need some subviews to have interaction enabled, but not others, you can separate your subviews into two parent views: one with userInteractionEnabled = YES and the other NO. Then put those two parent views in the main view.

How to pass the touch event to superview when userInteractionEnabled = YES?

You could try overriding the pointInside:withEvent: method in your inner view. This will allow you to return NO when you want to forward touches to the superview:

-(BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
if( /* You have content, and you want to receive touches */){
return YES;
return NO;

Get touches when userinteractionenabled is NO

yes, because you disabled user interaction.

When you call super-hittest,the return from super-hittest depends on userInteraction property.

If it is enabled then only, it returns either itself or some subView.

If not enabled, it will always return nil.

On iOS, if a superview's userInteractionEnabled is NO, then all subviews are disabled as well?

You can't do that,

Instead you would change the arrangment of your views like following:

Main View -> subViews


Container View -> Main View that you want to set as inactive
-> other views that you want to still be active

So your current main view and you current subviews will become siblings, children of a new container view

iOS. How to pass touches to parent view of UIWebView

i found this article, which says:

There are different ways to capture touches over a Web View. One would be to extend the UIWebView class, but Apple says you should not, so we will stay away from that solution in case it causes problem later. Instead, we are going to extend the UIWindow class, and capture touch events before they get propagated to the correct view(s).

it continues to describe how this is done with sample code. see for more details.

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