How to Rotate Text for Uibutton and Uilabel in Objective-C

How can you rotate text for UIButton and UILabel in Objective-C?

[*yourlabelname* setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-M_PI / 2)];

rotated image
Sample Image

pervious image
Sample Image

How can you rotate text for UIButton and UILabel in Swift?

I am putting my answer in a similar format to this answer.

Here is the original label:

Sample Image

Rotate 90 degrees clockwise:

yourLabelName.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat.pi / 2)

Sample Image

Rotate 180 degrees:

yourLabelName.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat.pi)

Sample Image

Rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise:

yourLabelName.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: -CGFloat.pi / 2)

Sample Image

Do the same thing to rotate a button. Thankfully the touch events also get rotated so the button is still clickable in its new bounds without having to do anything extra.

yourButtonName.transform = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat.pi / 2)


Documentation for CGAffineTransform

The basic format is CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: CGFloat) where rotationAngle is in radians, not degrees.

There are 2π radians in a full circle (360 degrees). Swift includes the useful constant CGFloat.pi.

  • CGFloat.pi = π = 180 degrees
  • CGFloat.pi / 2 = π/2 = 90 degrees

Auto Layout:

Auto layout does not work with rotated views. (See Frame vs Bounds for an explanation why.) This problem can be solved by creating a custom view. This answer shows how to do it for a UITextView, but it is the same basic concept for a label or button. (Note that you will have to remove the CGAffineTransformScale line in that answer since you don't need to mirror the text.)


  • How to do transforms on a CALayer?
  • How to apply multiple transforms in Swift
  • CTM transforms vs Affine Transforms in iOS (for translate, rotate, scale)

rotate text in customview

Just apply a rotation to the graphics context:

CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextRotateCTM(context, M_PI/2);

// ...
[text drawAtPoint:p withAttributes:xlabelSet]; //draw text at position

Reflect a button title (Objective-C)

Set a scale transform of -100% for the axis you want to flip on. You may also need to adjust the frame slightly to get the effect you want, depending on if your arrow is "on" the reflecting surface or if you want a gap.

[self.myButton.titleLabel setTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1, -1)];

Turn some parts of UILabel to act like a UIButton?

I recommend you try this library out

Great library, easy to use and has few built in examples for you to try out. Examples are in both Objective-c and Swift

Example in Swift

 let str = "This is a random bit of text"
let attributes = [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.blackColor(),
NSFontAttributeName: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(15)]
confirmLabel.attributedText = NSAttributedString(string: str, attributes: attributes)

let handler = {
(hyperLabel: FRHyperLabel!, substring: String!) -> Void in

//action here
//Step 3: Add link substrings
confirmLabel.setLinksForSubstrings(["random"], withLinkHandler: handler)


If you want to get rid of the underline, best way to do this is to follow the advice that DeyaEldeen gave in the comment.

If you go to the .m file of FRHyperLabel, go to this method

- (void)checkInitialization {
if (!self.handlerDictionary) {
self.handlerDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary new];

if (!self.userInteractionEnabled) {
self.userInteractionEnabled = YES;

if (!self.linkAttributeDefault) {
self.linkAttributeDefault = @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: FRHyperLabelLinkColorDefault,
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleSingle)};

if (!self.linkAttributeHighlight) {
self.linkAttributeHighlight = @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: FRHyperLabelLinkColorHighlight,
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleSingle)};

And you can just remove this

NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName: @(NSUnderlineStyleSingle)

from the attributes

How to angle a uilabel in ios

Your label shrinks due to setting wrong frame. You should place your label into the UIView and rotate this view instead of label. And also check your UIView have no any autoresizing anchors enabled.

How can you rotate Text, Button, Rectangle in SwiftUI?

Use any one of the .rotationEffect() methods to rotate any View clockwise, including Button and Text.

For example, this rotates Text about its origin (the center of its frame):

Text("Turtle Rock")
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 90)))

Use the overloaded method with an anchor argument to rotate around a different point.

For example, this rotates Text about the bottom left point of its frame:

Text("Turtle Rock")
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 90), anchor: .bottomLeading)

You can also use radians for rotation:

Text("Turtle Rock")
.rotationEffect(radians: Double.pi / 2)

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