Capturing and Storing a Picture Taken with the Camera into a Local Database/Phonegap/Cordova/Ios

Using PhoneGap to capture image, display it in app and save to local storage

based on what I have received in

You save you image path with sessionStorage.setItem('imagepath', entry.fullPath);@2320 line. To read this value you should use sessionStorage.getItem('imagepath') check what you have in this variable with alert or console.log right after cordova initialization @24

Now, if everything is right before this step, you should have path of last image. To read file from filesystem- study FileReader api

Display locally saved picture with Cordova

As Matthieu Marcé pointed out, the answer of this question should be :

the problem was about fetching the local system path, so i had to put
the path in a local storage item using

window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0,
function(fileSys) {

save image file in local storage and retrieve image from file path html cordova apps

I got this solved when i deploy my app in a real device like a ipad. Only on simulator i get this error.

Phonegap camera API save picture taken to camera roll

Do you mean the device's gallery?

If so, just use FILE_URI for Camera.DestinationType option.


PhoneGap - storing an image, then getting its base64encoded data

It is because the Android OS has a URI handler for the content:// protocol. The File API does not. However, there is a way for you to convert a content:// type URI into a FileEntry. Use:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("content://media/external/images/media/4292", win, fail);

and the success callback win will be called with a FileEntry for you.

Phonegap - Retrieve photo from Camera Roll via path

After you retrieve the file using the FILE_URI method you should use the File API to copy the image from the temp folder to the Documents folder and store the new path in your DB.

So you would take the result of your getPicture() pass it to window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI() to get a FileEntry. Then you can call FileEntry.copyTo() method to back up your file.

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