Turn Off Chrome/Safari Spell Checking by HTML/Css

Turn off Chrome/Safari spell checking by HTML/css

Yes, there is the HTML5 spellcheck attribute.

<textarea spellcheck="false"> or <input type="text" spellcheck="false">


Update: This is now supported in the latest versions of all browsers.

Is there a way to turn off spell check in a textarea?

got it figured out

function bindEditorFocus() {
var $editor = $('#editor');
$(this).attr('spellcheck', true);
toggleSpellingcheck(); // loop through all words to add marker

$editor.attr('spellcheck', false);
$editor.unbind(); // I need to unbind all function to avoid a loop
toogleSpellingcheck(); // loop through all words to remove marker
$editor.blur(); //get out of text area
bindEditorFocus(); // rebind all functions

function toogleSpellingcheck(){
//this will loop through all words
var $editor = $('#editor');
var text = $editor.val();
for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {

the toogleSpellingcheck method loop through all words, it can be optimized to loop through words instead of characters, but this would need the jquery caret plugin

it's a bit messy, but works, anyone got suggestions on improvements please let me know

How does one disable spellcheck on input type=text?

From http://blog.whatwg.org/the-road-to-html-5-spellchecking#compatibility:

Google Chrome offers as-you-type spellcheck on <textarea> elements but not <input type=text> elements. It ignores the spellcheck attribute entirely. It does not offer the end user the option to change the default behavior or manually check individual fields.

So, it ends here.

Update: since Chrome 13 (released August 2011, 3 months after this answer), it's also supported on <input> elements.

Disable spell-checking on HTML textfields

Update: As suggested by a commenter (additional credit to How can I disable the spell checker on text inputs on the iPhone), use this to handle all desktop and mobile browsers.

<tag autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false"/>

Original answer: Javascript cannot override user settings, so unless you use another mechanism other than textfields, this is not (or shouldn't be) possible.

Corrective underline in CSS input?

I think the attribute spellcheck for HTML elements might be what you are looking for:

<textarea spellcheck="false"></textarea>

Should work on every element type, especially inputs. Documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/spellcheck

CKEditor 3.6.3 Enable browser spellcheck and disable context menu

There's a config setting that disables the built-in spell checker if a browser provides one. It's set to true by default, try setting it to false.

config.disableNativeSpellChecker = false;

You can try disabling the contextmenu plugin:

config.removePlugins = 'contextmenu';

How to disable grammatical correctness check on input type text fields

I added the spellcheck attribute to the input type text field and it disabled spell checks just for that field. The above fix works, thanks for all who responded.

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