Html5 Validation When the Input Type Is Not "Submit"

HTML5 validation when the input type is not submit

The HTML5 form validation process is limited to situations where the form is being submitted via a submit button. The Form submission algorithm explicitly says that validation is not performed when the form is submitted via the submit() method. Apparently, the idea is that if you submit a form via JavaScript, you are supposed to do validation.

However, you can request (static) form validation against the constraints defined by HTML5 attributes, using the checkValidity() method. If you would like to display the same error messages as the browser would do in HTML5 form validation, I’m afraid you would need to check all the constrained fields, since the validityMessage property is a property of fields (controls), not the form. In the case of a single constrained field, as in the case presented, this is trivial of course:

function submitform() {
var f = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
if(f.checkValidity()) {
} else {

How to prevent HTML5 form validation on non-submit button?

Give the form an onsubmit handler containing e.preventDefault(), and in your "submit" handler call form.submit().

How to force a html5 form validation without submitting it via jQuery

To check whether a certain field is valid, use:

$('#myField')[0].checkValidity(); // returns true|false

To check if the form is valid, use:

$('#myForm')[0].checkValidity(); // returns true|false

If you want to display the native error messages that some browsers have (such as Chrome), unfortunately the only way to do that is by submitting the form, like this:

var $myForm = $('#myForm');

if (!$myForm[0].checkValidity()) {
// If the form is invalid, submit it. The form won't actually submit;
// this will just cause the browser to display the native HTML5 error messages.

Keep in mind that, HTML5 validation is not supported in all browsers till now.

Pattern HTML5 validation not preventing form submit when not validated

Clicking the button doesn't equate to submitting the form. The order of actions is:

  1. Click the button
  2. Fire click event on the button
  3. If the click event does not cancel the event, then fire submit on the form
  4. If the submit event does not cancel the event (eg. validation errors!) then proceed to submit the form

Since you're doing your work in the click event, the form hasn't been validated yet! You should instead do the work in the form's submit event.

Trigger standard HTML5 validation (form) without using submit button?

The accepted answer to this question appears to be what you're looking for.

Short summary: in the event handler for the submit, call event.preventDefault().

Can you submit HTML5 form WITHOUT validating?

You can add the "novalidate" attribute when the user clicks on a given button.

<form method="post" action="/foo" novalidate>...</form>

This disables html validation.
Add it again when you want your final submission.


Apparently there's a better option, the formnovalidate attribute, that you can add to a specific field (which apparently is exactly what you want):

<form action="demo_form.asp">
E-mail: <input type="email" name="userid"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br>
<input type="submit" formnovalidate="formnovalidate" value="Submit without validation">

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