Retrieve Image from Ftp to Webpage

Retrieve image from FTP to webpage

With the latest versions of web browsers (Chrome 59, Firefox 61), you cannot even use ftp:// URL to retrieve an image. And it was never a good solution anyway.

The correct solution is to route the image through your webserver, hiding away not only the credentials, but also the original source of the image.

Create a script (PHP or any other you use) that acts as an image source (you will use it in the <img src=...> attribute. The script will "produce" the image by downloading it from the FTP server.

The most trivial way to implement such a script in PHP (say image.php) is:


header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');

echo file_get_contents('');

(you need to URL-encode the credentials, if they contain reserved symbols – you can use urlencode).

And then you use it in the HTML like:

<a src="image.php" />

(assuming the image.php is in the same folder as your HTML page)

The script uses FTP URL wrappers. If that's not allowed on your web server, you have to go the harder way with FTP functions. See
PHP: How do I read a file from FTP server into a variable?

Though for a really correct solution, you should provide some HTTP headers related to the file, like Content-Length, Content-Type and Content-Disposition. For this, see Download file via PHP script from FTP server to browser with Content-Length header without storing the file on the web server.

In practice, you will likely have more images, so you will not have the file name hard-coded in the script, but the script will take the name as a parameter.

See List and download clicked file from FTP

Show image directly from FTP on ASP.NET page

I think the approach you should take is

  1. Create a handler, say FetchImage.ashx
  2. The code in this file should fetch the image from FTP using username and password (see below for sample)
  3. Set the response content type to PNG / JPEG based on your image
  4. Send your image

Sample Code of FetchImage.ashx.cs

var webClient = new WebClient();
byte[] imageBytes = webClient.DownloadData("ftp://server/image.png");

context.Response.Buffer = true;
context.Response.Charset = "";
context.Response.ContentType = "image/png";
context.Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=Image.png");

Calling this file

<img src="FetchImage.ashx" />

Improvements to this code would be to send the filename to FetchImage.ashx and serve the same. In this sample I am just showing you how this could be done

Getting pictures from an ftp server(locally) to display on website

In addition to Max's answer I wanted to add a third solution that works with both private and public ftp servers (and anything else really).

What you need to do is use your application as a proxy for the ftp.

  • Add a page, f.ex. "getimage.aspx" which accept arguments, f.ex. id's of the image
  • From the page, when called, response with header setting (mime-type etc.) (hold)
  • Connect to ftp server, log in if needed and stream the file requested.
  • Forward the content of that stream to your page's stream (response stream) and close.

Then you can do this (line breaks to make it more readable):

ImageUrl = '<%# 
Eval("Image.Extension")) %>'

For FTP you can use the built-in capabilities in .net or use a third-party extension such as Rebex-FTP which makes streaming files from ftp a walk in the park.

Using a page to retrieve pictures this way makes it capable of obtaining images from various sources, not just ftp, at the same time keeping it transparent for the user.

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