How to Convert Screen Coordinates to Document Space in a Scaled Svg

How do you convert screen coordinates to document space in a scaled SVG?

It's my sample code.
For this usage, getScreenCTM method is very useful.

    <svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" onload="
var c = document.getElementById('c');
var cx =;
var cy =;
var svg = this;
var point = svg.createSVGPoint();
svg.onmousemove = function(e){
point.x = e.clientX;
point.y = e.clientY;
var ctm = c.getScreenCTM();
var inverse = ctm.inverse();
var p = point.matrixTransform(inverse);
cx.value = p.x;
cy.value = p.y;
<rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="yellow"/>
<circle id="c" r="10" fill="blue"/>

How to convert svg element coordinates to screen coordinates?

I was playing around with this snippet below when I wanted to do the same (learn which screen coordinates correspond to the SVG coordinates). I think in short this is what you need:

  1. Learn current transformation matrix of the SVG element (which coordinates you are interested in), roughly: matrix = element.getCTM();

  2. Then get screen position by doing, roughly: position = point.matrixTransform(matrix), where "point" is a SVGPoint.

See the snippet below. I was playing with this by changing browser window size and was altering svg coordinates to match those of the div element

// main SVG:var rootSVG = document.getElementById("rootSVG");// SVG element (group with rectangle inside):var rect = document.getElementById("rect");// SVGPoint that we create to use transformation methods:var point = rootSVG.createSVGPoint();// declare vars we will use below:var matrix, position;// this method is called by rootSVG after load:function init() {  // first we learn current transform matrix (CTM) of the element' whose screen (not SVG) coordinates we want to learn:  matrix = rect.getCTM();  // then we "load" SVG coordinates in question into SVGPoint here:  point.x = 100;  // replace this with the x co-ordinate of the path segment  point.y = 300;  // replace this with the y co-ordinate of the path segment  // now position var will contain screen coordinates:  position = point.matrixTransform(matrix);  console.log(position)  // to validate that the coordinates are correct - take these x,y screen coordinates and apply to CSS #htmlRect to change left, top pixel position. You will see that the HTML div element will get placed into the top left corner of the current svg element position.}
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; overflow:hidden; background-color: #fff; }svg {      position: fixed;    top:0%;    left:0%;    width:100%;    height:100%;    background:#fff;   }#htmlRect {  width: 10px;  height: 10px;  background: green;  position: fixed;  left: 44px;  top: 132px;}
<body>  <svg id="rootSVG" width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 480 800" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" onload="init()">
<g id="rect"> <rect id="rectangle" x="100" y="300" width="400" height="150"/> </g>
</svg> <div id="htmlRect"></div></body>

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