Redirect Website After Specified Amount of Time

Redirect website after specified amount of time

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=" />

Page Redirect after X seconds wait using JavaScript

It looks you are almost there. Try:

if(error == true){

// Your application has indicated there's an error

// Move to a new location or you can do something else
window.location.href = "";

}, 5000);


Page redirect after certain time PHP

header( "refresh:5;url=wherever.php" );

this is the php way to set header which will redirect you to wherever.php in 5 seconds

Remember that header() must be called before any actual output is sent, either by normal HTML tags, blank lines in a file, or from PHP. It is a very common error to read code with include, or require, functions, or another file access function, and have spaces or empty lines that are output before header() is called. The same problem exists when using a single PHP/HTML file. (source

JavaScript redirect to another page when time reaches 5 minutes to top of hour

setTimeout() happens after a specified amount of time, where you have it defined to fire after 1 second (1000 milliseconds = 1 second) and then it will stop, unless you trigger the timeout again.

One solution is to check the timeout every 1 second using setInterval, and as soon as the minutes reach 55 minutes, do the redirect. You could also change this to trigger less frequently, say every 15 or 30 seconds (15000, 30000).

// function that triggers at the intervalfunction checkTimeout() {var now = new Date();  var minutes = now.getMinutes();  console.log(minutes);  if (minutes >= 55) {    location.href = '';  }}
setInterval(checkTimeout, 1000); // check interval every 1 second

How to redirect automatically after short delay on Error 404 page?

You should use a client side redirection method to apply the proper delay. If you want to support browsers with disabled JavaScript, just paste a META refresh into a noscript element. It is better to place it inside a noscript element because search engines give a penalty for usual META refresh links.

If the redirect is permanent, I suggest you to use the canonical tag too to keep the link-juice of missing pages.

This JavaScript redirect generator is a good way to go. The code pasted from there. It also has an IE 8 and lower fix to pass the HTTP referer, which is useful for traffic analysis.

<!-- Pleace this snippet right after opening the head tag to make it work properly -->

<!-- This code is licensed under GNU GPL v3 -->
<!-- You are allowed to freely copy, distribute and use this code, but removing author credit is strictly prohibited -->
<!-- Generated by -->

<link rel="canonical" href=""/>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;URL=">
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript">var IE_fix=true;</script><![endif]-->
<script type="text/javascript">
var url = "";
var delay = "5000";
window.onload = function ()
setTimeout(GoToURL, delay);
function GoToURL()
if(typeof IE_fix != "undefined") // IE8 and lower fix to pass the http referer
var referLink = document.createElement("a");
referLink.href = url;
else { window.location.replace(url); } // All other browsers
<!-- Credit goes to -->

How to redirect the user to another site after some time?

With a mix of both answer before I start looking at wordpress functions docs. I found something and add it to my header.php on my wordpress site.

<?php if ( is_page('Page Title') ) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.setInterval(customRedirect, 3000);
function customRedirect() {
window.location = "";
<?php } >

So whenever the user enters a page with that title it will make the redirect. Thanks.

How can I redirect the user after an amount of time using PHP and codeigniter?

I don't believe this can be done with PHP alone. You have two options in HTML.

A <meta http-equiv="refresh"> tag in your <head> can be used to reload or redirect the user after a specified number of seconds. Wikipedia has a couple of examples:

Place inside <head> to refresh page after 5 seconds:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5">

Redirect to after 5 seconds:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; url=">

Redirect to immediately:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">

The other option is to use JavaScript to redirect the user. You can do this by modifying the window.location property, using the setTimeout function to delay the call for, for example, five seconds (5000 miliseconds).

var redirect = function() {
window.location = "/index.html";

setTimeout(redirect, 5000);

The <meta> redirect should work for almost all visitors, while the JavaScript won't work if they have JavaScript disabled. However, these don't conflict in any way so you could just include both on your page to be safe.

How to redirect after a certain amount of time using Slim framework?

The way you are using redirect i presume, you are doing a web page and not an api, so you will probaly have the possitbility of going the Javascript route. Which for what i know, is the only way to solve your problem.

If you echo this into your html, it will redirect after 10 seconds. Be aware that the timeout argument is in milliseconds.


function redirect(page) {
setTimeout(function () {
window.location.href = page;
}, 5000);


This is probaly not what you are looking for, but is the only way to solve your initial problem statement.

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