Decode HTML Entities in Android

Decode HTML entities in android

The Html class is supposed to do that, however it is said that everything is not supported. It always worked for me but I never had ö so I can't tell for this one.
Try Html.fromHtml(yourStr) to get the decoded string.

Android string encoding and html entities converting

to decode Html String you can use Html.fromHtml()


Html.fromHtml((String) htmlCode).toString();

if you want reverse

than you can use TextUtils.htmlEncode()

Is there a faster way to decode html characters to a string than Html.fromHtml()?

What about org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils's unescapeHtml(). The library is available on Apache site.

(EDIT: June 2019 - See the comments below for updates about the library)

Convert html entities for mobiles

It was my mistake to expect he to work properly with uppercase version of the HTML entities. In the API I use there are some values which always come as upper case strings, so in my case the quickest solution was to convert them to lower case, apply the he.decode() function and then convert the value back to upper case. If I find a case where the strings have both upper and lower case letters, than it would be a more challenging task and will need another workaround.

how can i decode HTML code to Android by kotlin?

Your error has nothing to do with the HTML handling, you're getting the exception on this line, because findViewById is returning null, and then the cast to TextView is failing:

val textView = findViewById<View>( as TextView

Why this happens exactly is hard to tell without context, but the issue is that the View with the ID text was not found.

  • If you're in an Activity, make sure you're doing this after you call setContentView.
  • If you're in a Fragment, make sure you're doing this after the onCreateView method has run.
  • In either case, make sure you're actually using a layout that contains a TextView with the ID @+id/text.

Additionally, you're looking up the TextView as a View first and then casting it, you could do either of these instead:

val textView = findViewById<TextView>(
val textView: TextView = findViewById(

Android - Convert Unicode to HTML Entity

This is easier than you might think: U+1F601 corresponds to 😁.

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