How to Resize an Image to Fit in the Browser Window

How to resize an image to fit in the browser window?

Update 2018-04-11

Here's a Javascript-less, CSS-only solution. The image will dynamically be centered and resized to fit the window.

* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.imgbox {
display: grid;
height: 100%;
.center-fit {
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100vh;
margin: auto;
<div class="imgbox">
<img class="center-fit" src='pic.png'>

The [other, old] solution, using JQuery, sets the height of the image container (body in the example below) so that the max-height property on the image works as expected. The image will also automatically resize when the client window is resized.

<!DOCTYPE html>
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.fit { /* set relative picture size */
max-width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;
.center {
display: block;
margin: auto;

<img class="center fit" src="pic.jpg" >

<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function set_body_height() { // set body height = window height
$(document).ready(function() {
$(window).bind('resize', set_body_height);


Note: User gutierrezalex packaged a very similar solution as a JQuery plugin on this page.

How to make an image auto resize to fit browser window with relation to height

It is not clear what you tried so far and we don't see any code. I'll try to answer anyway and perhaps it'll help you.

First of all, when you working with responsive layouts, always try to size your elements with viewport height and width. This helps you keep your content relative to the browser size - no matter if resized nor how large the screen is.

This code might help you insert a responsive image to your site:

div {
img {

Working example here

In this example is div sized 80% of both window's height and width, so it never exceeds the viewport. Max. measures of img are 100% of the div and height:auto; secures that it preserves its aspect ratio. Image then fits a div to the max allowed. You can comfortably center the image by setting display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; to the DIV.

Another solution would be:

 background-image:url(' ');

Check it out here

How to make an image fit the browser window using grid?

I suggest that you use the CSS unit type vw to set the max-width of the image, like so:

img {
margin-left: auto;
border: solid black;
max-height: 100%;
max-width: 100vw;
height: auto;

Read more at MDN:

How to fit an image according to screen size

if you want to keep aspect ratio then put width:100% and height:auto

if you want to cover whole parent element then height:100% and width:100%

How to resize background image size when resizing the browser window?

This is what they have in their site as style:

background: url(assets/images/background2.jpg) no-repeat fixed black;
background-size: 100%

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