How to Get the Local MAChine Name in C#

How do I get the local machine name in C#?


It works unless a machine name has more than 15 characters.

How can I get the current local hostname using C# or VB.NET?

Something to bear in mind is that System.Environment.MachineName; and System.Windows.Forms.SystemInformation.ComputerName; will give you the NETBIOS name of the machine (restricted to 15 characters).

If you want the full TCP/IP based host name you can use Dns.GetHostName():

string hostName = System.Net.Dns.GetHostName();

Or you can use:


Which will return the full computer name set during installation.

How can I get computer name and IP address of local computer

Have a look at this: link

and this: link

textBox1.Text = "Computer Name: " + Environment.MachineName

textBox2.Text = "IP Add: " + Dns.GetHostAddresses(Environment.MachineName)[0].ToString();

How I can obtain client hostname, local computer name and user name in c# and

Use HttpRequest.UserHostAddress and HttpRequest.UserHostName for client IP and machine name.

Assuming you have authentication configured correctly, you can get the client user from IIdentity.Name.

In the context of a Page, you can use Request.UserHostAddress, Request.UserHostName and User.Identity.Name.

How to get clients computer name using mvc?

No you can't, unless the client sends such info when making HTTP requests. By "client", I'm referring to any - some app, browser, etc.

You can inspect your own browser request flow using standard browser dev tools and see exactly what info your browser is sending. It will not have your machine name (unless something in your machine is and that would likely be a problem).

That said, HTTP Header data is what you have aside from standard network info such as IP address (which also isn't guaranteed to be the client's IP address - it could be the client's network address). The closest you can get to is hostname if it exists, and even then, just like IP address, is not guaranteed to be machine name.

A possible exception would be in an internal network (LAN).

How to get local host name in C# on a Windows 10 universal app

You need to use NetworkInformation.GetHostNames.

var hostNames = Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkInformation.GetHostNames();

But note that this method will return multiple HostNames.

In my case, it returns four HostNames of which DisplayNames are MyComputerName, MyComputerName.local plus two IP addresses.

So I guess it's probably safe to do -

using Windows.Networking;
using Windows.Networking.Connectivity;

var hostNames = NetworkInformation.GetHostNames();
var hostName = hostNames.FirstOrDefault(name => name.Type == HostNameType.DomainName)?.DisplayName ?? "???";

Get client machine name

You do realize that, what you are asking and how you are doing is just wrong right?

You need to understand what's an IP Address in the first place.

When using Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") this would never be the "real address",
since no "real address" is ever sent.

An IP address is something used at the network layer, and shouldn't really be used by your application, if you really want the identity of a given machine, you need to use something like X.509 certificates, which are meant to represent an identity (an IP address is not an identity).

You will have problems when a user is behind a NAT, and you will never get the correct identity of an user.

That is why under localhost everything works fine but soon you want something outside your "box" everything starts to go bad.

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