How to Group by on 2 Child Entities and Get Total of Both This Child Entities

How to group by on 2 child entities and get total of both this child entities?


Ok Learning, here it is a solution..

var tot_variants_for_test =
(from v_name in
(from t_op in test
select new { v_name = t_op.TestOperation.Select(sv => sv.SubVariants.Variants.Name) }
select v_name)
(from v_name in
(from t_opdf in test
select new { v_name = t_opdf.TestOperationDifference.Select(sv => sv.SubVariants.Variants.Name) }
select v_name))

How to calculate over multiple child entities in repository

Well ok I found out how to do. Maybee someone else can use this.

public function findSoldTrades(): array
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('t')
->innerJoin(Trade::class, 's')
->where('s.parent =')
->having('SUM(s.executed) = t.executed')
->orderBy('t.created', 'ASC');

$query = $qb->getQuery();

return $query->execute();

Linq To Entities - how to filter on child entities

I managed to do this by turning the query upside down:

var users = (from user in Users.Include("Group")
where user.IsEnabled
select user).ToList().AsQueryable()

from (user in users
select user.Group).Distinct()

By using the ToList() you force a roundtrip to the database which is required because otherwise the deferred execution comes in the way. The second query only re-orders the retrieved data.

Note: You might not be able to udpate your entities afterwards!

Linq Group by, Concatenate and load child entities on a list

Try the following queries:

1) How to select in a LINQ query a list containg all the orders with the loaded StatusType

var results = (from o in db.Orders
from s in o.StatusChanges
select new
OrderId = o.Id,
Quantity = o.Quantity,
StatusId = s.Id,
StatusDate = s.StatusDate,
StatusCode = s.StatusType != null ? s.StatusType.Code : null

2) How make a list which contains the Order Id and the Codes of all the status concatenated

var results = (from o in db.Orders
select new
StatusCodes =
o.StatusChanges.Where(c => c.StatusType != null).Select(c => c.StatusType.Code)
}).ToList().Select(x => new
StatusResume = string.Join(",", x.StatusCodes)

SQL query with 1:n relation, find all entities which have two matching children matching

One neat trick is to count the number of unique children such a parent has:

FROM parent p
FROM child c
WHERE user IN ('user1', 'user2') AND
type IN ('type1', 'type2') AND
c.parent_id =
GROUP BY child_id

How do I group parent child entities using java 8

What an interesting problem. First I've defined a method for simplicity:

private static JournalDTO toDTO(JournalEntry entry) {
return new JournalDTO(entry.getId(), entry.getMessage(), new ArrayList<>());

Than I defined some small computational Map(s) that would help me search fast:

    Map<Integer, JournalEntry> identity =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(JournalEntry::getId, Function.identity()));

Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map =
x -> x.getParentId() == null ? -1 : x.getParentId(),
Collectors.mapping(JournalEntry::getId, Collectors.toSet())));

The first one should be obvious, it holds an ID paired with a JournalEntry.

The second one holds parentIds to a Set of ids. Basically:

-1 == 1 // -1 meaning it has no parents
1 == 2 // 1 has a child with id 2
2 == 3, 4 // 2 has two children with id 3 and 4
4 == 5, 6 // ...

If you think about - this is how I find an entire "family" for example (let me know if there are further details required here).

The rest is simple code with a recursive method:

// get those that have no parents first
Set<Integer> ids = map.get(-1);

// this is the ultimate result
List<JournalDTO> all = new ArrayList<>();

// for each entity with no parents, start searching in the map
ids.forEach(x -> {
JournalDTO parentDTO = toDTO(identity.get(x));
recursive(x, map, identity, parentDTO);

And of course the most important part:

private static void recursive(
Integer parentId,
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> map,
Map<Integer, JournalEntry> identity,
JournalDTO journalDTO) {

Set<Integer> childrenIds = map.get(parentId);

if (childrenIds != null && !childrenIds.isEmpty()) {
childrenIds.forEach(x -> {
JournalDTO childDTO = toDTO(identity.get(x));
recursive(x, map, identity, childDTO);

I've tested this for a fairly simple case (the one with ==) and seems to work fine for me.

How to select a child entity that is referenced by n parent entities in a ManyToOne relationship?

I would refocus the query as follows, since you have to have as many parameters in the group by as there are properties in the Employee entity:

CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Employee> criteria = builder.createQuery(Employee.class);
Root<Employee> root = criteria.from(Employee.class);

//Subquery to exists
Subquery<Long> numOfTasksSQ= criteria.subquery(Long.class);
Root<Task> rootSQ = numOfTasksSQ.from(Task.class);
Join<Task,Employee> joinSQ = rootSQ.join(Task_.employee,JoinType.INNER);;

criteria.where(cb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(numOfTasksSQ.getSelection(),MIN_TASK ));;

the result would be a query like this:

select e.*
from employee
where (
(select count(
from task t
inner join employee e2 on t.employe_id =
where = > MIN_TASK

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