C# with MySQL Insert Parameters

c# mysql insert statement. Parameterized query example?

You could try to specify MySQLDbType to match your DB Type and use Add function:

cmd.Parameters.Add("?apellido", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = usuario.apellido;

How I can Insert Data in the MySQL Database?

You should simply execute the command

MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tb_mitarbeiter (Vorname) VALUES ('tom')";

I suppose that mitarbeiter is the real value that should be set in the database.

If this is the case remember to use parameters to insert/update your data

MySqlCommand command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tb_mitarbeiter (Vorname) VALUES (?name)";
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("?name", mitarbeiter);

How to Insert C# values to MySql?

You're missing a single quote in the connecting string literal between name3.Text and id3.Text and again between id3.Text and gender3.SelectedValue

But it shouldn't matter. If you're concatenating user-supplied strings like this it's only a matter of time until your system is breached. There's a better way that avoids this risk, makes it easier to get your SQL statements correct, and runs faster.

//This could be marked const!
string query = "INSERT INTO student1(name,id,gender) values (@name, @id, @gender);";

using (var conn2 = new MySqlConnection(strconn))
using (var cmd = new MySqlCommand(query, conn2))
//I have to guess, but you can find exact column types/lengths from your db
//Do not use AddWithValue()!
// MySql is less at risk for the AddWithValue() performance issues
// than Sql Server but the risk isn't completely eliminated.
cmd.Parameters.Add("@name", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 30).Value = name3.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value = id3.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@gender", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 5).Value = gender3.SelectedValue;


How to insert list of data into mysql table

The error tells you exactly what is wrong. You did not define a parameter, you concatenated the value directly into the query string. So don't do that.

var lst_code_cars = new List<string> { "YH_21", "NM_00", "BAR_N178" };
string cmdText = "INSERT INTO Y157.CARS_IDENDITY(CODE_CAR) VALUES (@CarCode)";
MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, _Connection);
foreach (string cars_code in lst_code_cars )
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CarCode" , cars_code );

You'll also need to clear the parameters if you mean to re-add them each loop. Either that or add the parameter once and then edit the value in the loop instead of adding a new parameter each time.

Ideally, though, you could write this as a batch insert.

C# how to insert data to mysql using C#?

You could redesign your classes to something like this

namespace timbangan
public static class Koneksi
public static MySqlConnection konek;

private static string konfigKoneksi = "Server=localhost;Database=timbangan;Uid=root;Pwd=";

public static MySqlConnection GetConnection()
konek = new MySqlConnection(konfigKoneksi);
}//end of koneksi

public class Isidata
public int InsertData(string berat_filter, string qty, string nama_barang, string dari, string shift)
sql = @"insert into tb_timbang
values (@berat_filter,@qty,@nama_barang,@dari,@shift)";
using(MySqlConnection cnn = Koneksi.GetConnection())
using(MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(sql, cnn))
cmd.Parameters.Add("@berat_filter", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = berat_filter;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@qty", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = qty;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@name_barang", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = nama_barang;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@dari", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = dari;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@shift", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = shift;
return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("error " + ex.Message);
return -1;
}//end of issdata
}//end of timbangan

In this design there are no more global variables around. The same Koneski class could be totally removed and your MySqlConnection could be created on the spot (reading the connectionstring from an external source like your config file). Don't think this is less efficient than keeping a global connection object already created and always open. There is an ADO.NET Connection Pooling infrastructure (link is for Sql Server but it is the same for MySql) that runs very efficiently to handle your connections

The important thing is the Using Statement (that closes and dispose the command and the connection when no more needed freeing valuable resources) and the parameters used to fill the command sent to the server. If you need to use an Adapter for other aspect of your work you could add other methods like this to your Isidata class

As a last note, notice that all parameters are of string type. This could work but it is best to have parameters of the same type of the field type on the database (and of course your variables should be of the correct datatype). This is particularly important with datetime fields that when are treated as strings could give a good headache to let them work correctly) See MySqlDbType enum

Inserting a MySqlDateTime value from C# to a MySQL database

You're encountering a variant of MySQL bug 91199.

With the default SQL mode, MySQL Server will reject the incorrect MySqlDateTime that is serialized by Connector/NET with an Incorrect datetime value error.

However, if your MySQL Server doesn't have NO_ZERO_DATE and strict mode enabled, then attempting to insert a MySqlDateTime will “succeed” but the inserted value will be 0000-00-00 00:00:00.

Since bug 91119 has been incorrectly closed as a duplicate, this probably isn't likely to be fixed soon. As a workaround, you could consider switching to MySqlConnector, an OSS alternative to Connector/NET that fixes this (and many other bugs).

To work around this with MySql.Data, add the underlying DateTime as the parameter value, instead of the MySqlDateTime object:

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("currentDateTime", data.currentDateTime.GetDateTime());

Note that this will throw a MySqlConversionException if the MySqlDateTime can't be converted to a DateTime; if this can happen in your code, you'll need to test data.currentDateTime.IsValidDateTime and do something else if that is false.

How to insert all C# object values to MySQL table in one query?

I do something like the following:

// Build the SQL statement, this can be cached and used again
var propList = mcReadings.GetType().GetProperties().ToList();
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
str.Append("INSERT INTO elnet21630388 (");
// Build column list
foreach(PropertyInfo prop in propList)
str.Append(prop.Name + ",");
str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1);
str.Append(") VALUES (");
// Build values list
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propList)
str.Append("@" + prop.Name + ",");
str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1);

// Generate the dynamic parameters, this needs to be done on each call
DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters();
foreach (PropertyInfo prop in propList)
parameters.Add("@" + prop.Name, prop.GetValue(mcReadings, null));

connection.Execute(str.ToString(), parameters);

Inserting Data into MySQL Database C#

First problem, parameter names (well, identifier in general) can't have spaces in the query:

"... VALUES(@idPlayers, @First Name, @Surname, @Age, @Height)"

The query engine has no way to interpret @First Name. Make it a single word:

"... VALUES(@idPlayers, @FirstName, @Surname, @Age, @Height)"

Edit: Related to this, you're also using a space in another identifier:

"INSERT INTO Players(idPlayers, First Name, Surname, Age, Height) ..."

Same problem, you can't use spaces like this. I highly recommend not using spaces in column/table names. But if you must, then you'll need to enclose their identifiers to reference them in queries. If I remember correctly, MySQL uses back-ticks for this:

"INSERT INTO Players(idPlayers, `First Name`, Surname, Age, Height) ..."

Second problem, you're not adding the parameters correctly:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("idPlayers", idPlayers);

You don't have a parameter called idPlayers, you have one called @idPlayers. There's a difference. Try this:

command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@idPlayers", idPlayers);

Biggest problem, you're ignoring exceptions. Don't ignore error messages, they tell you exactly what's wrong. You should be examining that exception:

catch (Exception ex)
// "ex" contains the error information you're looking for
// log it, show it to the user, do something with it

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