C# Regular Expressions, String Between Single Quotes

C# Regular Expressions, string between single quotes

Something like this should do it:

string val = "name='40474740-1e40-47ce-aeba-ebd1eb1630c0'";

Match match = Regex.Match(val, @"'([^']*)");
if (match.Success)
string yourValue = match.Groups[1].Value;

Explanation of the expression '([^']*):

 '    -> find a single quotation mark
( -> start a matching group
[^'] -> match any character that is not a single quotation mark
* -> ...zero or more times
) -> end the matching group

C# Regex: matching anything between single quotes (except single quotes)


= '([^']*)'

Meaning you want anything/everything from = ' that isn't a single quote up to a single quote.

Python example:

import re

text = "attribute = 'some value'"
match = re.search("= '([^']*)'", text)

To read more about that, it is called a negated character class: https://www.regular-expressions.info/charclass.html

C# regex extract string enclosed into single quotes

Your pattern needs an update with yet another alternative branch: '[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'.

It will match:

  • ' - a single quote
  • [^'\\]* - 0+ chars other than ' and \
  • (?: - a non-capturing group matching sequences of:

    • \\. - any escape sequence
    • [^'\\]* - 0+ chars other than ' and \
  • )* - zero or more occurrences
  • ' - a single quote

In C#:

string pattern = @"('[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'|<=|>=|!=|=|>|<|\)|\(|\s+)";

See the regex demo

C# demo:

var filter = @"abc = 'def' and size = '1 x(3"" x 5"")' and (name='Sam O\'neal')";
var pattern = @"('[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'|<=|>=|!=|=|>|<|\)|\(|\s+)";
var tokens = Regex.Split(filter, pattern).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x));
foreach (var tok in tokens)


'1 x(3" x 5")'
'Sam O\'neal'

Regex - Single quotes OR Double quotes -C#

You can use a pattern like this:


This will match any string of that contains href= followed by a " or ' followed by any number of characters (non-greedily) followed by the same character that was matched previously in group 1. Note that \1 is a backreference.

Also note that this will also mean the contents of your attribute will be captured in group 2 rather than group 1.

Now, the correct way to escape this string literal would be either like this (using regular strings):

Regex.Match(value, "href=([\"'])(.*?)\\1", RegexOptions.Singleline);

Or like this (using verbatim strings):

Regex.Match(value, @"href=([""'])(.*?)\1", RegexOptions.Singleline);

Delimited string regex exclude match inside quotes

You can use lookaround like this.

Regex: (?<=\s)([$]{1,2})[^\$]*\1(?=\s)


(?<=\s) is positive lookbehind for whitespace to check if previous character was a whitespace. If ' is present then it won't match.

([$]{1,2})[^\$]*\1 matches word between $ or $$.

([$]{1,2}) catches $ or $$ and matches it for second time at end of word using capturing group \1.

[^\$]* matches word until a $ is found.

(?=\s) checks for presence of white space after word.

Replacement: Replace with whatever word you wish to.

Regex101 Demo

Update: For the cases like below where words appear at beginning or end.

$Hello$ The $quick$ brown '$$fox$$' jumps $$over$$ the '$lazy$' dog $Hello$

Use this regex.

Regex: (?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^))([$]{1,2})[^\$]*\1(?=\s|$)

(?:(?<=\s)|(?<=^)) looks behind for whitespace or beginning of string.

(?=\s|$) looka ahead for whitespace or end of string.

Regex101 Demo

Regex For singlequote and doublequote

The following RegEx is for Single Quotation sign + Some Texts + Single Quotation sign ('asdasdasdass'):

Regex regexString = new Regex(@"'[^']*'");

The following RegEx is for Double Quotation sign + Some Texts + Double Quotation sign ("asdasdasdass"):

Regex regexString = new Regex(@"""[^""]*""");

Regex to extract string between quotes

Use positive lookbehind operator:

GroupCollection ids = Regex.Match(nodeValue, "(?<=ID=\")[^\"]*").Groups;

You also used a capturing group (the parenthesis), this is why you get 2 results.

C# Regex to remove single quotes between single quotes

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class Test
public static void Main()
string str = "begin:'this is an 'example' text'";
str = Regex.Replace(str, "(?<=')(.*?)'(?=.*')", "$1");

Test this code here.

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