Visited Links Color Not Changing in Ie 8

Visited links not changing color in IE11

Turns out that the reason was not the CSS or HTML at all, but rather than the Hyperlink was making a small redirect. So when you travel to the link, Chrome and Firefox must have recorded both the pre and post redirect links, whereas Internet Explorer does not, so that link would show up as having never been visited.

Link text color not changing after being visited

The :visited pseudo-class works on the browser's history. The fact that all three links are being drawn with the black colour means that your browser has visited them in the past. If you were to clear your history, or change the links' urls, you'll find that they aren't classed as 'visited'.

A link to Stack Overflow will probably show as visited in your browser, but a link to Voice of JIHAD probably shows up a different colour (unless you are a member of the Taliban). Clicking on the unvisited link will change its colour to the visited colour - as defined in Stack Overflow's stylesheets - and will remain 'visited' as long as the page exists in your browser's history.

Related Question: How to change the color of hyperlink after click it

Credit to Greg for this answer.

Different color in Internet Explorer

Have u added a style for links ?

a, a:link, a:visited, a:active {
color: #000;

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