CSS: Lighten an Element on Hover

Dynamically change color to lighter or darker by percentage CSS

All modern browsers have had 100% filter support since January 2020. Even UC Browser for Android (instead of Chrome, on the $80 phones) supports it.

a {
/* a nice, modern blue for links */
color: #118bee;
a:active {
/* Darken on click by 15% (down to 85%) */
filter: brightness(0.85);

Additionally, you can control this dynamically with CSS variables, which have been supported by most browsers since October 2017 (excluding QQ):

:root {
--color: #118bee;
--hover-brightness: 1.2;
a {
color: var(--color);
a:active {
/* Darken on click */
filter: brightness(var(--hover-brightness));

Not my project, but one that's great to look at for a real-world example of how great modern CSS can be, check out: MVP.css

Original Answer

If you're using a stack which lets you use Sass or Less, you can use the lighten function:

$linkcolour: #0000FF;

a {
color: $linkcolour;

a.lighter {
color: lighten($linkcolour, 50%);

There's also darken which does the same, but in the opposite direction.

Make the hovered element go darker, but all the other elements go lighter

You don't need jquery for this, it can be done with css. Try the code below, it will give you a good idea how to make what you want.

.box {  background-color: blue;  height: 50px;  width: 50px;  margin: 10px;  opacity: 0.6;}
.wrap:hover .box:hover { opacity: 0.9;}
.wrap:hover .box:not(:hover) { opacity: 0.4;}
<div class="wrap">  <div class="box a"></div>  <div class="box b"></div>  <div class="box c"></div>  <div class="box d"></div></div>

Lighten svg part on hover without knowing original color

You could potentially do it by creating a white div in front, and adding an alpha channel to make it partially transparent.

Try running the snippet below and see if it does what you need.

.box {  width: 100px;  height: 100px;}.box:hover::after {  content: "";  background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.25);  width: 100%;  height: 100%;  display: block;}.blue {  background-color: blue;}.red {  background-color: red;}.black {  background-color: black;}.yellow {  background-color: yellow;}
<div class="box red"></div><div class="box blue"></div><div class="box black"></div><div class="box yellow"></div>

Lighten individual background-color with hover by scss - how?

Use a mixin, like so:

.block1 {
.block2 {

.backgroundsetup($color, $amt: 40%) {
background-color: $color;

&:hover {
background-color: lighten($color, $amt);

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