Tailwind CSS How to Code Pixel Perfect Design

Tailwind CSS how to code pixel perfect design

Ok got it, I need to edit tailwind.config.js and set custom sizes there. For example:

height: [
'278px': '278px',

So now this size can be set with <div clas="h-278px">...</div>


After completed many projects on top of TailwindCSS I learned that it's not very optimal to set spacing/w/h... in tailwind config if it's used only once. It's better to go with the custom class you can always use @apply in that class anyway.

Update 2021:

As of tailwind version 2.1 we can enable JIT and use arbitrary styles like this:


How can I specify exactly 600px width in Tailwind CSS?

If you configure your Tailwind install to run in just-in-time mode, and you are running tailwind 2.1+, you can use their arbitrary value support. https://tailwindcss.com/docs/just-in-time-mode

For example, I needed a width of 600px, here is how I specified it:


Tailwind - How to customize padding such as px-10

You can add custom padding values as shown in their documentation

  // tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
spacing: {
sm: '10px',

and use it as

<div class="px-sm"> .. <div/>


Use your custom values inside class by using JIT mode

<div className="pl-[10px] pr-[10px]"> .. </div>

How to make pseudo line in tailwind?

I'm not sure if I understand your question well, but need to read tailwind docs to understand how tailwind works, so here is what I did I hope it's what you are looking for :

<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script>
<div class='h-screen w-screen'>

<div class="h-[400px] bg-green-300 w-[20px]"></div>


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