Separate Sentence to One Word Per Line

Separate sentence to one word per line

You have to use display:table-caption; to achieve this.

Here is the solution.



<div>Hello world foo bar</div>

The CSS:


Hope this helps.

How to separate words in a sentence with spaces?

Sometimes, bruteforcing is acceptable:


use strict; use warnings;
use File::Slurp;

my $dict_file = '/usr/share/dict/words';

my @identifiers = qw(
payperiodmatchcode labordistributioncodedesc dependentrelationship
actionendoption actionendoptiondesc addresstype addresstypedesc
historytype psaddresstype rolename bankaccountstatus
bankaccountstatusdesc bankaccounttype bankaccounttypedesc
beneficiaryamount beneficiaryclass beneficiarypercent benefitsubclass
beneficiaryclass beneficiaryclassdesc benefitactioncode
benefitactioncodedesc benefitagecontrol benefitagecontroldesc
ageconrolagelimit ageconrolnoticeperiod

my @mydict = qw( desc );

my $pat = join('|',
map quotemeta,
sort { length $b <=> length $a || $a cmp $b }
grep { 2 < length }
(@mydict, map { chomp; $_ } read_file $dict_file)

my $re = qr/$pat/;

for my $identifier ( @identifiers ) {
my @stack;
print "$identifier : ";
while ( $identifier =~ s/($re)\z// ) {
unshift @stack, $1;
# mark suspicious cases
unshift @stack, '*', $identifier if length $identifier;
print "@stack\n";


payperiodmatchcode : pay period match code
labordistributioncodedesc : labor distribution code desc
dependentrelationship : dependent relationship
actionendoption : action end option
actionendoptiondesc : action end option desc
addresstype : address type
addresstypedesc : address type desc
historytype : history type
psaddresstype : * ps address type
rolename : role name
bankaccountstatus : bank account status
bankaccountstatusdesc : bank account status desc
bankaccounttype : bank account type
bankaccounttypedesc : bank account type desc
beneficiaryamount : beneficiary amount
beneficiaryclass : beneficiary class
beneficiarypercent : beneficiary percent
benefitsubclass : benefit subclass
beneficiaryclass : beneficiary class
beneficiaryclassdesc : beneficiary class desc
benefitactioncode : benefit action code
benefitactioncodedesc : benefit action code desc
benefitagecontrol : benefit age control
benefitagecontroldesc : benefit age control desc
ageconrolagelimit : * ageconrol age limit
ageconrolnoticeperiod : * ageconrol notice period

See also A Spellchecker Used to Be a Major Feat of Software Engineering.

How can I split a text into sentences?

The Natural Language Toolkit ( has what you need. This group posting indicates this does it:


tokenizer ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
fp = open("test.txt")
data =
print '\n-----\n'.join(tokenizer.tokenize(data))

(I haven't tried it!)

How to Output One Word per Line from a String

According to this the \0 does not represent a whitespace. It seems you want something more like:

if(sentence[i] == ' ') cout << endl; // check for whitespace
else cout << sentence[i];

By the way, due to the way markdown formats text, the 'one word per line' thing was not clear, I had to fake-edit your post to see what exactly you meant. I think using a code tag would solve that.

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