Selecting Children Elements But Not Grandchildren

Selecting children elements but NOT grandchildren

Use the CSS Greater than sign > (Child selectors):

#content > p

A child selector matches when an element is the child of some element.

Choosing Children but not grandchildren with Jquery


The above would not work with the markup in the question.

You want the child selector

You'd need the following:

$('#parent > li > ul');

CSS: Select all first generation elements (children), but not grandchildren

You could use

:not(li) > ul > li {
border: 1px solid red;

which means target the li in a ul that is not contained (directly) in a li.

So keep in mind that if inside a li you add a div and in that a ul li it will get styled.

:not(li) > ul > li {  border: 1px solid red;}
<ul>  <li>Level One Item One    <ul>      <li>Level One Item One</li>      <li>Level One Item Two</li>    </ul>  </li>  <li>Level One Item Two    <ul>      <li>Level Two Item One</li>      <li>Level Two Item Two</li>    </ul>  </li></ul>

Selecting items with children but not grandchildren using jQuery selectors

Use a descendent selector.

$("#parent > li:has(ul)").hoverIntent( showSubNav, hideSubNav );

This will only do $.hoverIntent() on immediate children lis that have a child ul.

If you want to show the adjacent ul when you hover over the <a>, then this:

$('#parent > li > a').hover(function() {

Hovering over a top level <li> and then add a class to it's immediate <ul> child:

$('#parent > li').hover(function() {

querySelectorAll select children but not grandchildren Vanilla Javascript

You can filter element's children. Working demo.

// matchSelector
var matches = (function(p){
return p.matches
|| p.webkitMatchesSelector
|| p.mozMatchesSelector
|| p.msMatchesSelector

var layers = [], function(el) {
return, '.layer')

selecting the first child of a list without including the grandchildren


.parent > ul > li:first-child
.parent > ul > li:last-child

This way, you are selecting the first li and the last li that comes directly inside the child ul of the .parent div.


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