An Alternative to -Webkit-Transform: Transformy

Why does transform-origin not work for Firefox using inline SVG and is there an alternative?

I've solved the problem but I am (as yet) unable to give you a comprehensive reasoning why it works.

The first important thing to know is that you can chain SVG Transforms.

So, wherever you write transform="scale(2)", you can add a translate(x, y) to the chain, like this:

transform="scale(2) translate(x, y)"

So far, so good... but if scale is 2, then what values should we give to x and y of translate?

To find out, I decided to superimpose larger and subimpose smaller scaled versions of your SVG shape (one for each colour of the rainbow) and see what patterns I could find.

Over the top of your grey shape, I positioned an identically sized green shape.

I gave the green shape a transform of:

transform="scale(1) translate(0, 0)"

so that it would be exactly congruent with your original grey shape.

Then I set about subimposing larger scaled versions (yellow, orange, red) and superimposing smaller scaled versions (blue, indigo, violet).

I predicted that x and y in each case would relate to the scale factor applied to that shape and also to the overall size of the original viewBox.

With 3 smaller versions and 3 larger versions, the pattern emerged:

  • Red, 8 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 8) - 1000)
  • Orange, 4 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 4) - 1000)
  • Yellow, 2 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 2) - 1000)
  • Green, 1 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 1) - 1000)
  • Blue, 0.5 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 0.5) - 1000)
  • Indigo, 0.25 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 0.25) - 1000)
  • Violet, 0.125 times as large / x & y transform value is 50% of ((1000 / 0.125) - 1000)

From this, we can conclude, that if you are positioning a shape centered at 50%, 50% of your viewBox and you want to display the shape in that same position with scale(2), you must also apply a translate for x of:

50% of ((width of canvas / scale-factor) - (width of canvas))

where 50% corresponds to the x position you want to centre the shape over.

And a translate for y of:

50% of ((height of canvas / scale-factor) - (height of canvas))

where 50% corresponds to the y position you want to centre the shape over.

This works consistently, but I haven't spent enough time staring at it yet, to properly understand why.

Working Example:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
<!-- Grey Original --><path fill="#555" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" />
<!-- Red Transform [50% of ((1000 / 8) - 1000) is -437.5] --><path fill="rgb(255, 0, 0)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(8) translate(-437.5, -437.5)" />
<!-- Orange Transform [50% of ((1000 / 4) - 1000) is -375] --><path fill="rgb(255, 125, 0)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(4) translate(-375, -375)" />
<!-- Yellow Transform [50% of ((1000 / 2) - 1000) is -250] --><path fill="rgb(255, 255, 0)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(2) translate(-250, -250)" />
<!-- Green Transform [50% of ((1000 / 1) - 1000) is 0] --><path fill="rgb(0, 125, 0)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(1) translate(0, 0)" />
<!-- Blue Transform [50% of ((1000 / 0.5) - 1000) is 500] --><path fill="rgb(0, 0, 125)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(0.5) translate(500, 500)" />
<!-- Indigo Transform [50% of ((1000 / 0.25) - 1000) is 1500] --><path fill="rgb(63, 0, 255)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(0.25) translate(1500, 1500)" />
<!-- Violet Transform [50% of ((1000 / 0.125) - 1000) is 3500] --><path fill="rgb(199, 125, 243)" d="M500 500 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 400z" transform="scale(0.125) translate(3500, 3500)" />

Implementing an alternative solution with Pandas `transform`

If want always same year then first join years with date without year:

df = pd.DataFrame({'release_date':['2062-10-04','1980-12-10'],'release_year':[1962,1980]})
print (df)
release_date release_year
0 2062-10-04 1962
1 1980-12-10 1980

df['release_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['release_year'].astype(str) +

print (df)

release_date release_year
0 1962-10-04 1962
1 1980-12-10 1980

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