Sass --Watch with Automatic Minify

sass --watch with automatic minify?

sass --watch a.scss:a.css --style compressed

Consult the documentation for updates:


sass watch files in folder and minify, but control output filename

I think you're probably looking for Compass. All this stuff is just baked into Rails, so I'm not sure exactly how everything links together, but I believe if you're using SCSS without a framework around it, then Compass is what you're after.

Download from and run something like this:

gem install compass 
$ compass create asd --bare --sass-dir "input_directory" --css-dir "output_directory"

You can set this in a config file:

output_style = :compressed

Alternatively, you could just run a script that does something like (this is Ruby):

files = Dir["/path/to/scss/folder/*.scss"].map do |file|
"#{file}:#{file.gsub(".scss", ".min.css")}"
`sass --watch #{files} --style compressed`

How to Minify CSS with SCSS File Watcher in PHPStorm IDE

Probably the fastest way to achieve this is to use the compressed option, mentioned in the previous comments, as an argument. The quickest way to configure this in PHPStorm is as follows:

  • Go to File > Settings
  • Inside Project Settings select File Watchers
  • You should already have an SCSS watcher created here (if you have the SCSS watch plugin enabled, PHPStorm prompts you to create a watcher when opening a new .scss file.) Otherwise, enable it (more info about that in this section of the official documentation,) and then create the new watcher pressing the "+" symbol.
  • Double click the watcher name to access its configuration.
  • In the Arguments line make sure to add the --style compressed argument
  • Click OK and you're done

This image shows how that configuration should look:

Compressed SCSS settings in PHPStorm

From that point on, your .css output files will be compressed.

Minify CSS with Node-sass

In the node-sass documentation says you have to use
--output-style, and it could be nested | expanded | compact | compressed. To minify use compressed

For example:

node-sass -w public/css/scss/style.scss public/css/style.css --output-style compressed

will minify the CSS.

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