How to Change CSS of Columns - Reacttable

How do I change the style of the header using ReactTable

Try adding the following css. You have to position the arrows properly.

rt-resizable-header -sort-desc:after {
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-left: 20px solid transparent;
border-right: 20px solid transparent;
content : ' ';
border-top: 20px solid #000;

rt-resizable-header -sort-asc:after {
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-left: 20px solid transparent;
border-right: 20px solid transparent;
content : ' ';
border-bottom: 20px solid #000;
.ReactTable .rt-thead .rt-th.-sort-desc, .ReactTable .rt-thead .rt-td.-sort-desc {
box-shadow: none;

React table changing style of cell onClick

you want is:when you click a particular cell,that particular cell change color?
if so, you just need remember the selected is demo, is this you want ?

How to customize a column in react table 7

You can modify column like:

accessor: 'accessor',
Header: 'Header',
Cell: ({ row: { original } }) => (
onClick=(() => console.log(original))
Button text

Or you can modify default table cell DefaultCell.js:

const DefaultCell = ({ cell: { value, column }, row: { original } }) => (
whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
{ === 'button' ?
onClick=(() => console.log(original))
Button text
) : value}

And react-table usage:

const defaultColumn = React.useMemo(
() => ({
minWidth: 5,
width: 150,
maxWidth: 400,
Cell: DefaultCell,

const {
} = useTable({
initialState: { pageIndex: 0, pageSize: 7 } },

Change React-Table default styling

It's possible by using a Custom Expander. You can just define your column like this:

columns: [
// other columns...,
expander: true,
Header: () => <strong>More</strong>,
width: 65,
Expander: ({ isExpanded, }) =>
? <span>⊙</span>
: <span>⊕</span>}
style: {
cursor: "pointer",
fontSize: 25,
padding: "0",
textAlign: "center",
userSelect: "none",
color: "green"
Footer: () => <span>♥</span>

Edit React-Table - Custom Expander Position

React-table Individual Cell Style

getTdProps is for the entire row. Use getProps in the column definition instead. For example:

{ age: 8 },
{ age: 11 },
{ age: 9 },
{ age: 6 },
{ age: 12 },
Header: 'Age',
accessor: 'age',
getProps: (state, rowInfo, column) => {
return {
style: {
background: rowInfo && rowInfo.row.age > 10 ? 'red' : null,

Styling for React-Table component

The string present in your question is not a component, but it easily could be. Those elements don't necessarily need to be strings; react-table is a headless library, so you're free to change the visuals the way you want. There are a variety of possible solutions here. One solution would be to replace the entire ternary by defining a custom functional component for that sort icon:

const sortIcon = (sorted, sortedDesc) => {
if (sortedDesc) {
return (<h1> this is arbitrary </h1>);
} else if (sorted) {
return (<h2> more arbitrary </h2>);
} else {
return null;

and then replacing the ternary:

<span {...column.getSortByToggleProps()}>
{/* Add a sort direction indicator */}
{sortIcon(column.isSorted, column.isSortedDesc)}

This is a bad way to do it, probably, and untested beside that, but the point is that the HTML/JSX stuff is arbitrary. Those emoji strings can be replaced with valid JSX in any form. You could do a similar thing with the column.isGrouped ternary, as well! It may be worth looking at some JSX tutorials if you're not already familiar, or re-familiarizing yourself with exactly what a column Object contains if you want to continue to add functionality.

(link caveat: each of the different useX hooks adds more stuff to the column/row/etc Objects, so I just linked the core useTable one)

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