Removing "Padding" from Svg

Removing padding from SVG?

If you want the SVG to stretch to the entire box, put preserveAspectRatio="none" on the root <svg> element.

CSS SVG-file remove padding when used as background-image

On the very first line of your SVG you can read:

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 225.14 168.86">

The viewBox attribute says that what is to be viewed is in those 225x168 pixels. You could even have some other graphic outside that limit and you won't ever see it.

To accomplish what you seek you have to edit the SVG with your favourite editor to enclose sharply your logo and to have the ratio you want.

I recommend you to edit your SVG instead of using some clipping based method.


I further analized your SVG file and I discovered it's a raster image (linke a jpg or a png) encapsulated in a svg, so there's no real vector graphic in there and the above solution does not apply.

Extract the raster from the svg and use it and edit it like any other image you would.

How to remove extra space (padding) from this animated SVG?

You need to change the viewBox attribute to viewBox="17 17 66 66" How do I know the new value for the viewBox?

I've wrapped everything inside the SVG element in a group #G.

In the JavaScript I'm getting the bounding box of the group using the getBBox() method and I'm using the properties of the bounding box to define the new value of the viewBox of the SVG element.

vievBox = "x y width height"

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" style="margin: auto; background: none; display: block; shape-rendering: auto; animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;" width="36px" height="36px" viewBox="17 17 66 66"
<g id="G">
<g transform="rotate(0 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.9166666666666666s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(30 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.8333333333333334s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(60 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.75s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(90 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.6666666666666666s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(120 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.5833333333333334s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(150 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.5s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(180 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.4166666666666667s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(210 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.3333333333333333s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(240 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.25s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(270 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.16666666666666666s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(300 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="-0.08333333333333333s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>
</g><g transform="rotate(330 50 50)" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<rect x="47.5" y="17" rx="2.34" ry="2.34" width="5" height="18" fill="#606366" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;">
<animate attributeName="opacity" values="1;0" keyTimes="0;1" dur="1s" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite" style="animation-play-state: running; animation-delay: 0s;"></animate>

How to remove blank space around SVG

I opened your svg on Inkscape and resized the document size to fit the content. (File -> Document Properties -> Resize page to content -> Resize page to drawing or selection)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1"
x="0px" y="0px"
viewBox="500 500 268.2734 266.75002"
style="enable-background:new 0 0 2000 2000;" xml:space="preserve">
<style type="text/css">
d="m 651,743.42436 c -3,0 -6.1,0 -9.1,0 -0.9,0 -1.1,0.3 -1.1,1.2 0,5 0,10.1 0,15.1 0,3 -1.9,5.6 -4.7,6.6 -2.8,1 -5.8,0.2 -7.7,-2 -1.2,-1.4 -1.7,-2.9 -1.7,-4.7 0,-5 0,-9.9 0,-14.9 0,-0.9 -0.2,-1.2 -1.2,-1.2 -6.1,0 -12.2,0 -18.4,0 -0.9,0 -1.1,0.2 -1.1,1.1 0,5 0,10.1 0,15.1 0,3.7 -2.9,6.8 -6.5,7 -3.7,0.3 -6.9,-2.3 -7.5,-6 -0.1,-0.5 -0.1,-1 -0.1,-1.6 0,-4.8 0,-9.6 0,-14.4 0,-1 -0.2,-1.4 -1.3,-1.3 -6,0.1 -11.9,0.1 -17.9,0 -1,0 -1.3,0.2 -1.3,1.2 0.1,5 0.1,10 0,15 0,3.7 -2.9,6.8 -6.5,7 -3.7,0.3 -6.9,-2.3 -7.5,-6 -0.1,-0.5 -0.1,-1 -0.1,-1.6 0,-4.8 0,-9.6 0,-14.4 0,-1.1 -0.4,-1.4 -1.4,-1.4 -5.2,0 -10.4,0 -15.6,0 -9.7,0 -17.1,-7.4 -17.1,-17.1 0,-5.2 0,-10.3 0,-15.5 0,-1.2 -0.2,-1.6 -1.5,-1.5 -4.8,0.1 -9.5,0.1 -14.3,0 -3.7,0 -6.8,-2.9 -7.1,-6.5 -0.3,-3.7 2.3,-6.9 6,-7.5 0.5,-0.1 1.1,-0.1 1.7,-0.1 4.7,0 9.4,0 14,0 0.9,0 1.1,-0.3 1.1,-1.2 0,-6 0,-12.1 0,-18.1 0,-1 -0.3,-1.2 -1.2,-1.2 -4.7,0 -9.4,0 -14.2,0 -4.3,0 -7.5,-3.1 -7.4,-7.1 0,-4 3.2,-7 7.4,-7 4.8,0 9.5,0 14.3,0 0.9,0 1.1,-0.2 1.1,-1.1 0,-6.2 0,-12.3 0,-18.5 0,-0.9 -0.3,-1.1 -1.1,-1.1 -4.8,0 -9.5,0 -14.3,0 -4.3,0 -7.5,-3.1 -7.5,-7.1 0,-4 3.2,-7 7.4,-7 4.8,0 9.5,0 14.3,0 0.9,0 1.2,-0.2 1.1,-1.1 0,-6.2 0,-12.3 0,-18.5 0,-0.8 -0.2,-1.1 -1.1,-1.1 -4.8,0 -9.5,0 -14.3,0 -4.3,0 -7.5,-3.1 -7.5,-7.1 0,-4 3.2,-7 7.5,-7.1 4.7,0 9.4,0 14,0 1,0 1.3,-0.2 1.3,-1.2 -0.1,-6 0,-12 0,-18 0,-0.9 -0.2,-1.2 -1.2,-1.2 -4.7,0.1 -9.4,0 -14.2,0 -4.3,0 -7.5,-3 -7.5,-7.1 0,-4 3.2,-7.1 7.5,-7.1 4.6,0 9.2,0 13.8,0 1.7,0 1.5,0.2 1.5,-1.6 0,-5.1 0,-10.2 0,-15.4 0,-9.8 7.3,-17.1 17.2,-17.2 5.2,0 10.4,0 15.6,0 1,0 1.4,-0.2 1.3,-1.3 -0.1,-4.4 0,-8.7 0,-13.1 0,-4.3 3,-7.5 7.1,-7.5 4,0 7.1,3.2 7.1,7.5 0,4.4 0,8.8 0,13.2 0,0.8 0.1,1.2 1.1,1.2 6.1,0 12.2,0 18.2,0 0.9,0 1.1,-0.3 1.1,-1.2 0,-4.5 0,-9 0,-13.6 0,-3.8 2.8,-6.8 6.5,-7.1 3.7,-0.3 6.9,2.2 7.6,5.9 0.1,0.6 0.1,1.2 0.1,1.8 0,4.4 0,8.7 0,13.1 0,0.8 0.2,1.1 1.1,1.1 6.2,0 12.3,0 18.5,0 0.9,0 1.1,-0.3 1.1,-1.2 0,-4.4 0,-8.9 0,-13.3 0,-4.2 3.1,-7.4 7,-7.4 4,0 7.1,3.2 7.1,7.3 0,4.5 0,9 0,13.4 0,0.8 0.2,1.1 1.1,1.1 6.2,0 12.4,0 18.6,0 0.8,0 1,-0.2 1,-1 0,-4.6 0,-9.1 0,-13.7 0,-3.8 2.8,-6.8 6.4,-7.1 3.7,-0.3 6.9,2.2 7.6,5.9 0.1,0.7 0.1,1.4 0.1,2.2 0,4.2 0,8.4 0,12.6 0,0.9 0.2,1.2 1.2,1.2 6,0 12.1,0 18.1,0 0.9,0 1.2,-0.2 1.1,-1.1 0,-4.6 0,-9.1 0,-13.7 0,-3.7 2.9,-6.8 6.5,-7 3.7,-0.3 6.9,2.3 7.5,6 0.1,0.7 0.1,1.4 0.1,2 0,4.1 0,8.2 0,12.2 0,1.8 -0.2,1.6 1.5,1.6 5.1,0 10.2,0 15.4,0 9.9,0 17.2,7.3 17.2,17.2 0,5.2 0,10.4 0,15.6 0,1 0.2,1.3 1.2,1.3 5.3,-0.1 10.6,0 16,0 3.7,0 6.8,2.9 7,6.5 0.3,3.7 -2.3,6.9 -6,7.5 -0.5,0.1 -1.1,0.1 -1.7,0.1 -5.1,0 -10.2,0 -15.4,0 -0.9,0 -1.3,0.1 -1.2,1.2 0.1,6 0,12.1 0,18.1 0,1 0.3,1.2 1.2,1.2 5.4,0 10.7,0 16.1,0 3.5,0 6.3,2.6 6.9,6 0.5,3.3 -1.5,6.6 -4.7,7.7 -0.9,0.3 -1.8,0.4 -2.7,0.4 -5.2,0 -10.4,0 -15.6,0 -0.9,0 -1.1,0.3 -1.1,1.1 0,6.1 0,12.2 0,18.4 0,1 0.3,1.2 1.2,1.2 5.4,0 10.7,0 16.1,0 3.5,0 6.3,2.6 6.9,6 0.5,3.3 -1.5,6.6 -4.7,7.7 -0.9,0.3 -1.8,0.4 -2.7,0.4 -5.2,0 -10.4,0 -15.6,0 -0.9,0 -1.1,0.2 -1.1,1.1 0,6.2 0,12.3 0,18.5 0,0.9 0.3,1.1 1.1,1.1 5.4,0 10.8,0 16.2,0 3.5,0 6.4,2.6 6.9,6.1 0.5,3.3 -1.6,6.6 -4.9,7.7 -0.8,0.3 -1.7,0.4 -2.6,0.4 -5.2,0 -10.4,0 -15.6,0 -0.9,0 -1.2,0.2 -1.2,1.1 0,6.1 0,12.2 0,18.2 0,0.8 0.2,1.1 1.1,1.1 5.4,0 10.8,0 16.2,0 3.5,0 6.4,2.6 6.9,6.1 0.5,3.3 -1.6,6.6 -4.8,7.7 -0.8,0.3 -1.7,0.4 -2.6,0.4 -5.1,0 -10.2,0 -15.4,0 -1,0 -1.4,0.2 -1.4,1.4 0.1,5.2 0,10.4 0,15.6 0,9.8 -7.4,17.1 -17.2,17.1 -5.2,0 -10.5,0 -15.7,0 -0.9,0 -1.2,0.2 -1.2,1.2 0,5.1 0.1,10.2 0,15.2 0,3.3 -2.3,6 -5.5,6.7 -3.1,0.7 -6.3,-0.8 -7.8,-3.6 -0.6,-1.1 -0.8,-2.3 -0.8,-3.6 0,-4.9 0,-9.8 0,-14.6 0,-0.9 -0.2,-1.3 -1.2,-1.3 -6,0.1 -12,0.1 -18,0 -1,0 -1.2,0.3 -1.2,1.3 0,5 0,9.9 0,14.9 0,3.8 -2.8,6.8 -6.5,7.1 -3.7,0.3 -6.9,-2.2 -7.6,-5.9 -0.1,-0.5 -0.1,-1.1 -0.1,-1.7 0,-4.9 0,-9.8 0,-14.6 0,-0.8 -0.2,-1.1 -1.1,-1.1 -2.7,0.4 -5.9,0.3 -9,0.3 z"
style="fill:#363636" /><path
d="m 633.7,571.42436 c 20,0 40.1,0 60.1,0 1.1,0 1.5,0.2 1.5,1.4 0,40.1 0,80.2 0,120.3 0,1.1 -0.2,1.4 -1.4,1.4 -40.2,0 -80.3,0 -120.5,0 -1,0 -1.3,-0.2 -1.3,-1.3 0,-40.2 0,-80.4 0,-120.6 0,-1.1 0.4,-1.3 1.4,-1.3 20.1,0.1 40.2,0.1 60.2,0.1 z"
style="fill:#fefefe" /><path
d="m 634.1,673.42436 c -7.6,0 -15.3,0 -22.9,0 -8.3,0 -15,-5.3 -16.8,-13.5 -0.2,-1.1 -0.4,-2.3 -0.4,-3.4 0,-15.4 0,-30.9 0,-46.3 0,-9.5 7.5,-16.9 17,-16.9 15.4,0 30.8,0 46.2,0 9.5,0 17,7.5 17,17 0,15.4 0,30.8 0,46.2 0,9.6 -7.5,17 -17,17 -7.8,-0.1 -15.4,-0.1 -23.1,-0.1 z"
style="fill:#363636" />

Now that the svg was fixed, you can put it in your file and set the height. In this case height:70vh; (For performance reasons, it's recommended to set height and width, but it's up to you).

#Layer_1{ /*Change svg id to a meaningful name*/    height:70vh}
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<head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>CPU Animation /</title></head>
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How to remove the space between the svg and the td in HTML5?

SVG is inline and inside of a table cell, so try adding display:block to svg and width/height to the <td> so that SVG knows what to calculate percentage from.

How to get rid of extra space below svg in div element

You need display: block; on your svg.

<svg style="display: block;"></svg>

This is because inline-block elements (like <svg> and <img>) sit on the text baseline. The extra space you are seeing is the space left to accommodate character descenders (the tail on 'y', 'g' etc).

You can also use vertical-align:top if you need to keep it inline or inline-block

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