CSS Background Gradient with Offset

CSS Background Gradient with offset

You can achieve what you want like this: Place your background at 0px 0px and define a gradient with more color-stops, having one solid color area at the top and then the actual gradient, like this:

background-position: 0px 0px;
background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,
#FFFFFF 0px, /* Have one solid white area */
#FFFFFF 255px, /* at the top (255px high). */
#C4C7C9 255px, /* Then begin the gradient at 255px */
#FFFFFF 100% /* and end it at 100% (= body's height). */

(The sample code works on latest versions of Chrome and FireFox, but adapting it to support all major browsers and versions is straight-forward, applying the same principle.)

See, also, this short demo.

Css background: offset for repeating-linear-gradient

You might use background-position property.

.repeating-grid {
position: absolute;
top: 0; bottom: 0;
left: 0; right: 0;
background-size: $major-grid-size $major-grid-size;
repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, $major-grid-color, $major-grid-color $major-grid-weight, transparent $major-grid-weight, transparent $major-grid-size),
repeating-linear-gradient(-90deg, $major-grid-color, $major-grid-color $major-grid-weight, transparent $major-grid-weight, transparent $major-grid-size),
repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, $minor-grid-color, $minor-grid-color $minor-grid-weight, transparent $minor-grid-weight, transparent $minor-grid-size),
repeating-linear-gradient(-90deg, $minor-grid-color, $minor-grid-color $minor-grid-weight, transparent $minor-grid-weight, transparent $minor-grid-size);

background-position: 15px 0;

Angled gradient with top offset by specific number of pixels

You can approximate it using pseudo element and rotation. You consider a straight gradient (90deg) then you rotate it by adjusting the transform-origin to have the distance you want on the top:

.box {
.box:before {
/* a random big value for top bottom and left*/
/* in the below 625px = 125px + 500px and adjust the 350px to get close to the gradient you wnat*/
background: linear-gradient(90deg, white 350px , black 625px, blue 0, white);
transform-origin:625px 500px;
<div class="box">


Using CSS background image to output grid using gradient with offset

You can fix it by using background-size and linear-gradient instead of repeating-linear-gradient:

:root {
--background-grid-color: deeppink;
--background-fill-color: #000;

html, body {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

body {
/* Vertical lines */
background-color: var(--background-fill-color);
to right,
var(--background-grid-color) 0,
var(--background-grid-color) 1px,
transparent 1px,
transparent 100%
to bottom,
var(--background-grid-color) 0,
var(--background-grid-color) 1px,
transparent 1px,
transparent 100%
background-position: 100px 0, 0 0;
background-size: 200px;

CSS repeating gradient with offset

Just wrap the title within a span:


and give the span an absolute positioning:

.gradient > span {
position: absolute;

How to position an background-image using an offset but not the linear gradient

What you need to do is separate the position for both the backgrounds using a comma..


So in your case, image is first and gradient is second so it should be..

select {
background-position: right center, 0 0;
/* Use pixels instead of right and center for better control...
where 1st parameter is x and the other parameter is y

/* Rest stays the same */

Background position offset from bottom: opposite behaviour in Chrome and Firefox

I found solution for Chrome!

It is sufficient to add


to BODY tag css declaration, as showed in this updated JsFiddle:

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