How to Change Colour of Blue Highlight on Select Box Dropdown

Changing select highlight color

No idea what you mean about "the color that highlights <li>", but it sounds like you want to change the background colour of <option> elements. I tried it and it doesn't work, you always get the system color.

If you wanted to highlight the entire <select> element on mouseover, this kinda works:

select:hover { background-color: red; }

However the behaviour is different in different browsers. For example, Chrome doesn't highlight the options in the drop down; Firefox does, but then it doesn't change them back if you move the mouse away and they are still pulled down.

As has been stated on many, many similar questions, you can't reliably style form controls. See here for more details.

Change 'select' highlight color

Well you cannot change the hover color of select option as it is rendered by Operating System instead of HTML however your second answer for removing the blue outline is as under:

Add outline:none to your css:

.contactselect select
background: url(Images/ArrowO.png) no-repeat right #000;
border:solid 4px #F7921C;
outline: none;

Here is the JS Fiddle Demo .

Change the position of blue highlight on select box dropdown

give padding top to every list item of dropdown menu, a

How to remove blue highlighting on clicking an option in a select

I found the solution. Since it does not seem to be possible, to remove the blue highlighting, I will make it transparent by setting the image of the background which is in the body, also inside the option.

select option:checked {
background-image: url("ImageOfTheBody.jpg");
background-attachment: fixed; /*This will give the illusion of being transparent*/
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;

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