How to Really Isolate Stylesheets in the Google Chrome Extension

Do not inherit the CSS of a webpage in my chrome extension

When you are doing your CSS, you can override certain values by using the !important keyword. For example:

h1 {color: red !important}

How can I efficiently overwrite CSS with a content script?

The approach I've found easiest and most effective is to wrap whatever html template you're injecting in a div with a very specific id.

<div id="my-specific-id">
// Your injected HTML template or section of the website you want to change

Once you've done this, reset all of the CSS that might affect that section.

#my-specific-id {

// A comprehensive CSS reset


// The rest of your CSS will override the reset above

Here is one such reset:

Note that you probably won't need everything from the CSS Reset, so remove what isn't relevant to take some load off the browser. I can't imagine that you really want to reset figcaption, for example.

As someone writing an extension, you should care a lot about whether or not your extension ruins the user experience on websites you inject scripts into.

The approach I've outlined will guarantee that only the sections of the website that you specifically care about are changed.

You can do this with your own templates (say you wanted to add a weather widget to every page without using an iframe) or with specific parts of the page. You could, for example, wrap all <p> elements in a highly specific id that you define.

Here's an example using Sass from a recent project I've been working on...

#specific-id-css-ultimate-reset {
html, button, input, div, p, img, form {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
font-size: 100%;
vertical-align: baseline;
background: transparent;

@import "modules/all";
@import "components/all";
@import "popups/all";

<div id="my-superspecific-html-template-wrapper">

Separate content script css from site css?

You can provide a namespaced version of bootstrap, where global styles are not applied outside a namespace CSS selector.

For generating this you must build bootstrap yourself using SASS.

This answer is a good resume of the procedure: How to namespace Twitter Bootstrap so styles don't conflict

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