Three Forward Slashes for Block Commenting

Three forward slashes for block commenting?

In Visual Studio the /// indicates documentation not just comments. Following your link the explanation is the same. It is used to adorn comments that will be specifically formatted via your editor or some other tool as documentation for a class, method, namespace, etc.

How to use three slash commenting in Visual Studio Code on OSX?

Hi you can install below extension:

Visual Studio Marketplace | C# XML Documentation Comment (Keisuke Kato)

Why can my comment consist of so much forward slash (/)?

As per the C++ standard: lex.comment

The characters // start a comment, which terminates immediately before the next new-line character.

From the above, you can infer that every character (other than newline) which follows the first two / characters is part of the comment.

If that wasn't already clear enough, it goes on to note:

The comment characters //, /*, and */ have no special meaning within a // comment and are treated just like other characters.

What does /// do in JavaScript?

It doesn't mean anything special in Javascript. // is a comment, and anything after it until a line break is just part of the comment.

Notepad++ displays it differently because apparently in C#-land /// is used for writing documentation in comments that appears in Intellisense - see this answer, and this one too. So Notepad++ treats them different, and still does this in Javascript mode for some reason.

As for Google, it strips special characters like / from searches these days.

.NET // vs /// Comments convention

Using three slashes (///) is a C# convention for XML Documentation Comments that is adopted by F# as well.

Triple Slash Comments in C?

C does not have any equivalent of XML documentation comments or JavaDoc.

Try doxygen.

How to get Visual Studio quick comments to add a space after the double slash to avoid SA1005?

My coworker tells me that you can also just hit Ctrl+K+C Ctrl+K+C (that is, apply commenting twice), and it will do ////code. That will pass StyleCop. Do the uncomment shortcut key twice to undo. Apparently, StyleCop doesn't care if there's a space after four slashes, only after two.

It seems some people really like this rule behavior. People will comment out code with a single set of // if they are playing around with stuff but do not want to forget and check it in that way. SA will fail and the code will not go in. Once you really mean to comment out of the code and check it in, then you comment it out again and you are good to go. This, they claim, has saved many from a bad check-in.

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