What Does Ll Mean

What does LL mean?

It is specified in Paragraph 2.14.2 of the C++11 Standard:

2.14.2 Integer literals


long-long-suffix: one of

ll LL

Paragraph 2.14.2/2, and in particular Table 6, goes on specifying the meaning of the suffix for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal constants, and the types they are given.

Since 0 is an octal literal, the type of 0LL is long long int:

#include <type_traits>

int main()
// Won't fire
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(0LL), long long int>::value, "Ouch!");

What is meant by LL as in 1000LL?

Copy-pasted from this question, which seems to be the exact same one with the ULL suffix :

From the gcc manual:

ISO C99 supports data types for integers that are at least 64 bits wide, and as an extension GCC supports them in C90 mode and in C++.
Simply write long long int for a signed integer, or unsigned long
long int
for an unsigned integer. To make an integer constant of type
long long int, add the suffix LL to the integer. To make an
integer constant of type unsigned long long int, add the suffix
ULL to the integer.

It, indeed, is a suffix for the long long int type.

What do 0LL or 0x0UL mean?

These are constants in C and C++. The suffix LL means the constant is of type long long, and UL means unsigned long.

In general, each L or l represents a long and each U or u represents an unsigned. So, e.g.


means the constant 1 with type unsigned long long.

This also applies to floating point numbers:

1.0f    // of type 'float'
1.0 // of type 'double'
1.0L // of type 'long double'

and strings and characters, but they are prefixes:

 'A'   // of type 'char'
L'A' // of type 'wchar_t'
u'A' // of type 'char16_t' (C++0x only)
U'A' // of type 'char32_t' (C++0x only)

In C and C++ the integer constants are evaluated using their original type, which can cause bugs due to integer overflow:

long long nanosec_wrong = 1000000000 * 600;
// ^ you'll get '-1295421440' since the constants are of type 'int'
// which is usually only 32-bit long, not big enough to hold the result.

long long nanosec_correct = 1000000000LL * 600;
// ^ you'll correctly get '600000000000' with this

int secs = 600;
long long nanosec_2 = 1000000000LL * secs;
// ^ use the '1000000000LL' to ensure the multiplication is done as 'long long's.

In Google Go, all integers are evaluated as big integers (no truncation happens),

    var nanosec_correct int64 = 1000000000 * 600

and there is no "usual arithmetic promotion"

    var b int32 = 600
var a int64 = 1000000000 * b
// ^ cannot use 1000000000 * b (type int32) as type int64 in assignment

so the suffixes are not necessary.

using ``1ll(N-1)`` to assign a large number of value to a long long int variable

But what is this 1ll?

The 1ll is an integer literal. 1 is an an decimal literal and ll is an integer suffix. The suffix ll means that the type of the integer literal is long long int. The 1 means that the value of the literal is, well, 1.

And how is it able to store such large value?

I think you are asking about the line:

long long val = (1ll << (N - 1));

Because of the if (N >= 64) .. else before, we know that N < 64. So the maximum number could be:

1ll << 63 - 1   =
1ll << 62 =

Which is just a number that fits in long long int type. The long long int type has at least 64 bits.

Without the ll suffix, the 1 would have the type int. On architectures where int type is narrower then 64 bits, ex. 16 bits, then undefined behavior would happen. Left shifting a variable by a number greater or equal to the length in bits of the left operant is undefined behavior, see ex. this question.

If you are asking about the line :

ans = (ans + arr[i] % M) % M;

It is calculating the sum modulo #define M 1000000007. It is common to do assignments/homework that calculate sum modulo this number, see ex this or this. The algorithm calculates the sum modulo 1000000007, not the whole number, that's why it is able to store it inside long long variable.

What is 1LL or 2LL in C and C++?

The LL makes the integer literal of type long long.

So 2LL, is a 2 of type long long.

Without the LL, the literal would only be of type int.

This matters when you're doing stuff like this:

1   << 40
1LL << 40

With just the literal 1, (assuming int to be 32-bits, you shift beyond the size of the integer type -> undefined behavior).
With 1LL, you set the type to long long before hand and now it will properly return 2^40.

ULL suffix on a numeric literal

From the gcc manual:

ISO C99 supports data types for integers that are at least 64 bits wide ( . . . ) . To make an integer constant of type long long int, add the suffix LL to the integer. To make an integer constant of type unsigned long long int, add the suffix ULL to the integer.

These suffixes have also been added to C++ in C++11, and were already supported long long (pun intended) before that as compiler extensions.

what does L represent in any hex numberL

It means Long, as in, the type of the literal 0x03L is long instead of the default int. On some platforms that will mean 64 bits instead of 32 bits, but that's entirely platform-dependent (the only guarantee is that long is not shorter than int).

What does double bars (||) mean in SQL?

double bars are concatination:

select 'hello' || ' ' || 'world' from dual;


'hello world'

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