Cmake Link Library Target Link Error

Cmake link library target link error

The syntax for target_link_libraries is:

target_link_libraries(your_executable_name libraries_list)

And you don't have to add add_definition statements (target_link_libraries adds this options)

There are also some useful variables provided by OpenGL and GLEW packages.

Your CMakeLists.txt should be like:

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (test)

find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
find_package(GLEW REQUIRED)

include_directories(${OPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR} ${GLEW_INCLUDE_DIRS})


target_link_libraries(test ${OPENGL_LIBRARIES} ${GLEW_LIBRARIES})

One important detail to keep in mind is to place the target_link_libraries after the add_executable (or add_library) line.

Getting a CMake Error: Cannot specify link libraries for target which is not built by the project

The first argument of target_link_libraries is the target name:

target_link_libraries(eCAD Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Core) 

How to get target_link_libraries throw miss or errors

A simple solution is to check if it's a target. Probably somewhere on the end of your file, at least after add_subdirectory(libC)

message(FATAL_ERROR "Och nuu, libC is not a target")

A great solution would be to implement a target_link_targets functionality, which would allow linking only with targets. While sounds trivial, it's not so easy - static libraries can be linked circular and can be before they are defined. So you have to check if all are targets on the end of CMake file after we know every target is defined.

I did such implementation, my implementation is available here. The function k_target_link_targets checks if all arguments are targets. From CMake 3.19.0 it uses cmake_language(DEFER to defer execution of a checking function to the end of CMake scripts, before 3.19.0 a manual call to k_target_link_targets_check function is needed on the end of a CMake file.

CMake target_link_libraries converting path which results in linker not found error

You should link against targets, not files if those targets are part of your project. In your case it would be target_link_libraries(mytest mymodule).

But if for some reason the need arises to link against a full path, CMake has some peculiarities which are described in the docs. So in your case it converts the full path to -lmymodule because it is a behavior CMake exhibits if the full path provided to the library w/o proper soname.

cmake target_link_libraries(), when should we use?

target_link_libraries does different things depending on the parameter passed. If you should use it or not depends on what exactly you're trying to achieve. (I'd recommend using target_include_directories instead of include_directories though, since it limits the use of the include dir to a single target and also allows you to make include dirs available to linking cmake library targets, if the headers are used in public headers of a library target.)

  • You can pass the name of a library target. Passing an INTERFACE library target is an option which can be used with header only libraries. Furthermore for installed external libraries providing cmake find/configuration scripts (usually) allows you to gain access to IMPORTED library targets that automatically make include dirs and dependencies for the target available to the target linking via target_link_libraries, if set up properly. I strongly recommend using this option with boost.
  • You can pass the full path to a library file. I recommend creating an imported library target instead though; this may be a bit more work, but it also allows you to attach info to the target such as include directories which puts related info in the same place and allows for easier reuse.
  • You can pass names of libraries the linker is able to find, e.g. target_link_libraries(executable pthread) on Linux.
  • ... (Some other options I don't really consider relevant here.)

My recommendation in your case would be:

  • Make sure you've installed boost
  • Use find_package + target_link_libraries to "link" the header lib which in this case is just a clean way of making the headers available to your target. (I assume you're using boost as a header only lib, not the static or shared version of the lib.)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS headers CONFIG PATHS "/your/boost/install/path")
target_link_libraries(executable PRIVATE Boost::headers)

Note that the program won't be any faster of slower compared to using include_directories to specify the input directory; the speed of the cmake configuration may change a bit, but I don't recommend cutting any corners there.

Need help understanding linking with cmake

I had a basic understanding that libraries were a collection of objects/symbols, so I had assumed that by linking foo to bar, bar would also have those objects/symbols, but that is not the case, so I am wondering if I am missing something or if I am doing something wrong.

Indeed this is not quite the case. The C/C++ language standards do not define the contents of static libraries, but on most platforms they are archives containing specific object files. If those object files collectively depend on external symbols, then that static library depends on some other library or object file and all must be linked into the final executable.

"Linking" one static library to another in CMake merely declares the dependency between them. There is no platform-independent mechanism for merging them nor, within CMake, is there a pressing need to do so.

I do not want to use SHARED libraries, I would prefer to stay with STATIC libraries, how can I have my libraries keep all the objects/symbols? Am I forced to link both bar and foo?

There are many questions and answers on StackOverflow detailing how to use OBJECT libraries to accomplish this. Here's, say, five:


Yet, I would say that all of these questions are misguided. CMake handles linking library dependencies just fine.

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