Why Does Long Long 2147483647 + 1 = -2147483648

Program prints -ve integers after 2147483647

Sizing of integers is platform-specific. C standard does not say exactly how many bits an int must have, all it says is that an int must be at least 16-bit long. This is not a restriction on the compiler - rather, it is one of many compiler's property that define your platform.

The bit-ness of your platform does not have a direct impact on the size of the int on your platform. You can often use the same compiler to generate 32-bit and 64-bit code (with gcc, you can use flags -m32 or -m64), but the sizes of built-in types will not necessarily change.

If you need bigger range for your integers, you can use long long, which is guaranteed to have at least 64 bits. In addition, gcc supports 128-bit integer type __int128. If you need even more range, you can use an arbitrary precision math package.

Why does trying to go up to 2,147,483,647 with a for-loop result in an infinite loop?

There is no output because the for loop never terminates. You have to change the condition from for (int roll = 1; roll <= num; roll++) to for (int roll = 0; roll < num; roll++).

In your case, roll reaches Integer.MAX_VALUE, the condition is still true, so the loop is entered once more. Now roll is increased, overflows to Integer.MIN_VALUE, and is still <= num. Hence, the for loop never stops.

In addition, you'll run into problems with num being float, see Eran's answer for an explanation.

Why I get -2 if I add 2147483647 to itself in java for int and long type?

Edit: live demo

Here's what's going on when you add those numbers:

int a = 2147483647;
int b = 2147483647;

In binary:

a = 0b01111111111111111111111111111111
b = 0b01111111111111111111111111111111

Adding those numbers together gives a number larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE (obviously):

long c = a + b; // -2

In binary:

+ 0b01111111111111111111111111111111

== -2 when taking into account 2's complement

The result is then upcast to a long.

To ensure the numbers are added as longs and not ints, make a and b both longs.

Is `long` guaranteed to be at least 32 bits?

The answer is definitively YES. Read my OP and all the comments to understand why exactly, but here's the short version. If you doubt or question any of this, I encourage you to read the entire thread and all of the comments. Otherwise accept this as true:

  1. The C++ standard includes parts of the C standard, including the definitions for LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX
  2. LONG_MIN is defined as no greater than -2147483647
  3. LONG_MAX is defined as no less than +2147483647
  4. In C++ integral types are stored in binary in the underlying representation
  5. In order to represent -2147483647 and +2147483647 in binary, you need 32 bits.
  6. A C++ long is guaranteed to be able to represent the minimum range LONG_MIN through LONG_MAX

Therefore a long must be at least 32 bits1.


LONG_MIN and LONG_MAX have values with magnitudes dictated by the C standard (ISO/IEC 9899:TC3) in section §

[...] Their implementation-defined values shall be equal or greater in magnitude [...] (absolute value) to those shown, with the same sign [...]

— minimum value for an object of type long int
LONG_MIN -2147483647 // -(2 ^ 31 - 1)
— maximum value for an object of type long int
LONG_MAX +2147483647 // 2 ^ 31 - 1

1 32 bits: This does not mean that sizeof (long) >= 4, because a byte is not necessarily 8 bits. According to the Standard, a byte is some unspecified (platform-defined) number of bits. While most readers will find this odd, there is real hardware on which CHAR_BIT is 16 or 32.

BooleanArray with size larger than 2147483647

The most easy might be to use UInt as the size and then internally map 2 common BooleanArray, which use Int for addressing, despite there never could be a negative index value (this seems to be a design fault - or at least a lack of optimization). Which means, that one could as well address everything with signed Int. I mean, to internally map the negative values to one BooleanArray and the positive values to another one BooleanArray. The actual problem seems to be, that a signed Int is being passed, but only the positive range (50%) can be used to address data. One could use absoluteValue, because it doesn't matter in which direction the array is being filled.

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