Reverse String C++ Using Char Array

C Function to reverse char array string

Simplest way: Loop the string char by char and insert each char to another char array in the reverse order.

Or try this:

void reverse_string(char str[])
char c;
char *p, *q;

p = str;
if (!p)

q = p + 1;
if (*q == '\0')

c = *p;

while (*q != '\0') {
*p = *q;
*p = c;



if( strlen( str ) > 0 ) {
char* first = &str[ 0 ];
char* last = &str[ strlen( str ) - 1 ];
while( first < last ) {
char tmp = *first;
*first = *last;
*last = tmp;


char* strrev( char* s )
char c;
char* s0 = s - 1;
char* s1 = s;

/* Find the end of the string */
while (*s1) ++s1;

/* Reverse it */
while (s1-- > ++s0)
c = *s0;
*s0 = *s1;
*s1 = c;

return s;

Reverse String C++ using char array

sizeof(str) does not do what you expect.

Given a char *str, sizeof(str) will not give you the length of that string. Instead, it will give you the number of bytes that a pointer occupies. You are probably looking for strlen() instead.

If we fixed that, we would have:

char temp=str[i];

This is C++, use std::swap()

In C++, if you want to swap the contents of two variables, use std::swap instead of the temporary variable.

So instead of:

char temp=str[i];

You would just write:

swap(str[i], str[sizeof(str) - i - 1]);

Note how much clearer that is.

You're using C++, just use std::reverse()

std::reverse(str, str + strlen(str));

Global variables

It's extremely poor practice to make variables global if they don't need to be. In particular, I'm referring to i about this.

Executive Summary

If I was to write this function, it would look like one of the two following implementations:

void reverseChar(char* str) {
const size_t len = strlen(str);

for(size_t i=0; i<len/2; i++)
swap(str[i], str[len-i-1]);

void reverseChar(char* str) {
std::reverse(str, str + strlen(str));

When tested, both of these produce dlrow olleh on an input of hello world.

reversing a string array within a 2D array using pointer in c

This is what i was looking for, sorry if I didn't explain well

char* reverseOneString(char s[STRING_LENGTH]){
char temp;
char *p = &s[0];

while(*p != '\0'){
printf("one reverse is sending back %c\n", *p);
return p;

void reverseStrings(char strings[NUM_STRINGS][STRING_LENGTH])
char *ptr = &strings[0][0];
printf("reversing strings\n");
printf("First pointer is pointing to: %c\n", *ptr);

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_STRINGS; i++) {
int counter = 0;
char* nptr = reverseOneString(strings[i]);
while (nptr > ptr) {
printf("ptr: %c nptr: %c\n", *ptr, *nptr);

char temp = *ptr;
*ptr = *nptr;
*nptr = temp;

while(*ptr == '\0'){

ptr += STRING_LENGTH - counter;
printf("this is the process value of ptr %c\n", *ptr);


Reversing string using character array

Well, the error is that you kept on increasing the str pointer and after that decreasing the end pointer, which finally met somewhere at the middle of the string. And right after, you printed out the string which starts somewhere from the middle in reverse order. So, I would suggest to do as follows:

void rev(char *str) {
char *end;
end = str;

if(str) {

while(str < end) {
char temp = *str;
*str++ = *end;
*end-- = temp;
/* Don't print the string here itself */

int main() {
char str[500];
std::cout<<"\n Enter the string : ";
std::cin.getline(str, sizeof(str));

/* Print your string here */
std::cout<<"\n The reversed string is : \n";
return 0;


 Enter the string : qwertyuiop

The reversed string is :

How to reverse every string in an array of strings through a function in C?

For starters this code snippet

char **arr;

invokes undefined behavior because the pointer arr is uninitialized and has an indeterminate value.

Moreover this approach in any case is wrong because you may not change string literals.

What you need is to declare a two-dimensional array as for example

enum { N = 11 };


char arr[3][N] =
"John", "Doe", "Programmer"

In this case the function declaration will look like

void invert( char arr[][N], int n );

The enumeration must be declared before the function declaration.

Instead of the two-dimensional array you could declare an array of pointers like

char s1[] = "John";
char s2[] = "Doe";
char s3[] = "Programmer";
char * arr[3] = { s1, s2, s3 };

In this case the function declaration may be as shown in your question

void invert(char** arr, int n)

So what you need to do with minimal changes is to substitute this code snippet

char **arr;

for this code snippet

char s1[] = "John";
char s2[] = "Doe";
char s3[] = "Programmer";
char * arr[3] = { s1, s2, s3 };

Reversing char array in C programming

here you have a working example:

#include <stdio.h> // printf
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc, free
#include <string.h> // strlen

int main() {
char* s = "hello";
size_t l = strlen(s);
char* r = (char*)malloc((l + 1) * sizeof(char));
r[l] = '\0';
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l; i++) {
r[i] = s[l - 1 - i];
printf("normal: %s\n", s);
printf("reverse: %s\n", r);

your code was wrong in length + 1 it should say length - 1.

and you have to pay attention to the terminating '\0'.

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