Writing Python Bindings for C++ Code That Use Opencv

Writing Python bindings for C++ code that use OpenCV

I solved the problem so I thought I'll share it here with others who may have the same problem.

Basically, to get rid of the segmentation fault, I need to call numpy's import_array() function.

The "high level" view for running C++ code from python is this:

Suppose you have a function foo(arg) in python that is a binding for some C++ function. When you call foo(myObj), there must be some code to convert the python object "myObj" to a form your C++ code can act on. This code is generally semi-automatically created using tools such as SWIG or Boost::Python. (I use Boost::Python in the examples below.)

Now, foo(arg) is a python binding for some C++ function. This C++ function will receive a generic PyObject pointer as an argument. You will need to have C++ code to convert this PyObject pointer to an "equivalent" C++ object. In my case, my python code passes a OpenCV numpy array for a OpenCV image as an argument to the function. The "equivalent" form in C++ is a OpenCV C++ Mat object. OpenCV provides some code in cv2.cpp (reproduced below) to convert the PyObject pointer (representing the numpy array) to a C++ Mat. Simpler data types such as int and string do not need the user to write these conversion functions as they are automatically converted by Boost::Python.

After the PyObject pointer is converted to a suitable C++ form, C++ code can act on it. When data has to be returned from C++ to python, an analogous situation arises where C++ code is needed to convert the C++ representation of the data to some form of PyObject. Boost::Python will take care of the rest in converting the PyObject to a corresponding python form. When foo(arg) returns the result in python, it is in a form usable by python. That's it.

The code below shows how to wrap a C++ class "ABC" and expose its method "doSomething" that takes in a numpy array (for an image) from python, convert it to OpenCV's C++ Mat, do some processing, convert the result to PyObject *, and return it to the python interpreter. You can expose as many functions/method you wish (see comments in the code below).


#ifndef ABC_HPP
#define ABC_HPP

#include <Python.h>
#include <string>

class ABC
// Other declarations
ABC(const std::string& someConfigFile);
virtual ~ABC();
PyObject* doSomething(PyObject* image); // We want our python code to be able to call this function to do some processing using OpenCV and return the result.
// Other declarations



#include "abc.hpp"
#include "my_cpp_library.h" // This is what we want to make available in python. It uses OpenCV to perform some processing.

#include "numpy/ndarrayobject.h"
#include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"

// The following conversion functions are taken from OpenCV's cv2.cpp file inside modules/python/src2 folder.
static PyObject* opencv_error = 0;

static int failmsg(const char *fmt, ...)
char str[1000];

va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, ap);

PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str);
return 0;

class PyAllowThreads
PyAllowThreads() : _state(PyEval_SaveThread()) {}
PyThreadState* _state;

class PyEnsureGIL
PyEnsureGIL() : _state(PyGILState_Ensure()) {}
PyGILState_STATE _state;

#define ERRWRAP2(expr) \
try \
{ \
PyAllowThreads allowThreads; \
expr; \
} \
catch (const cv::Exception &e) \
{ \
PyErr_SetString(opencv_error, e.what()); \
return 0; \

using namespace cv;

static PyObject* failmsgp(const char *fmt, ...)
char str[1000];

va_list ap;
va_start(ap, fmt);
vsnprintf(str, sizeof(str), fmt, ap);

PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, str);
return 0;

static size_t REFCOUNT_OFFSET = (size_t)&(((PyObject*)0)->ob_refcnt) +
(0x12345678 != *(const size_t*)"\x78\x56\x34\x12\0\0\0\0\0")*sizeof(int);

static inline PyObject* pyObjectFromRefcount(const int* refcount)
return (PyObject*)((size_t)refcount - REFCOUNT_OFFSET);

static inline int* refcountFromPyObject(const PyObject* obj)
return (int*)((size_t)obj + REFCOUNT_OFFSET);

class NumpyAllocator : public MatAllocator
NumpyAllocator() {}
~NumpyAllocator() {}

void allocate(int dims, const int* sizes, int type, int*& refcount,
uchar*& datastart, uchar*& data, size_t* step)
PyEnsureGIL gil;

int depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH(type);
int cn = CV_MAT_CN(type);
const int f = (int)(sizeof(size_t)/8);
int typenum = depth == CV_8U ? NPY_UBYTE : depth == CV_8S ? NPY_BYTE :
depth == CV_16U ? NPY_USHORT : depth == CV_16S ? NPY_SHORT :
depth == CV_32S ? NPY_INT : depth == CV_32F ? NPY_FLOAT :
depth == CV_64F ? NPY_DOUBLE : f*NPY_ULONGLONG + (f^1)*NPY_UINT;
int i;
npy_intp _sizes[CV_MAX_DIM+1];
for( i = 0; i < dims; i++ )
_sizes[i] = sizes[i];

if( cn > 1 )
/*if( _sizes[dims-1] == 1 )
_sizes[dims-1] = cn;
_sizes[dims++] = cn;

PyObject* o = PyArray_SimpleNew(dims, _sizes, typenum);

CV_Error_(CV_StsError, ("The numpy array of typenum=%d, ndims=%d can not be created", typenum, dims));
refcount = refcountFromPyObject(o);

npy_intp* _strides = PyArray_STRIDES(o);
for( i = 0; i < dims - (cn > 1); i++ )
step[i] = (size_t)_strides[i];
datastart = data = (uchar*)PyArray_DATA(o);

void deallocate(int* refcount, uchar*, uchar*)
PyEnsureGIL gil;
if( !refcount )
PyObject* o = pyObjectFromRefcount(refcount);

NumpyAllocator g_numpyAllocator;

enum { ARG_NONE = 0, ARG_MAT = 1, ARG_SCALAR = 2 };

static int pyopencv_to(const PyObject* o, Mat& m, const char* name = "<unknown>", bool allowND=true)
//NumpyAllocator g_numpyAllocator;
if(!o || o == Py_None)
if( !m.data )
m.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;
return true;

if( !PyArray_Check(o) )
failmsg("%s is not a numpy array", name);
return false;

int typenum = PyArray_TYPE(o);
int type = typenum == NPY_UBYTE ? CV_8U : typenum == NPY_BYTE ? CV_8S :
typenum == NPY_USHORT ? CV_16U : typenum == NPY_SHORT ? CV_16S :
typenum == NPY_INT || typenum == NPY_LONG ? CV_32S :
typenum == NPY_FLOAT ? CV_32F :
typenum == NPY_DOUBLE ? CV_64F : -1;

if( type < 0 )
failmsg("%s data type = %d is not supported", name, typenum);
return false;

int ndims = PyArray_NDIM(o);
if(ndims >= CV_MAX_DIM)
failmsg("%s dimensionality (=%d) is too high", name, ndims);
return false;

int size[CV_MAX_DIM+1];
size_t step[CV_MAX_DIM+1], elemsize = CV_ELEM_SIZE1(type);
const npy_intp* _sizes = PyArray_DIMS(o);
const npy_intp* _strides = PyArray_STRIDES(o);
bool transposed = false;

for(int i = 0; i < ndims; i++)
size[i] = (int)_sizes[i];
step[i] = (size_t)_strides[i];

if( ndims == 0 || step[ndims-1] > elemsize ) {
size[ndims] = 1;
step[ndims] = elemsize;

if( ndims >= 2 && step[0] < step[1] )
std::swap(size[0], size[1]);
std::swap(step[0], step[1]);
transposed = true;

if( ndims == 3 && size[2] <= CV_CN_MAX && step[1] == elemsize*size[2] )
type |= CV_MAKETYPE(0, size[2]);

if( ndims > 2 && !allowND )
failmsg("%s has more than 2 dimensions", name);
return false;

m = Mat(ndims, size, type, PyArray_DATA(o), step);

if( m.data )
m.refcount = refcountFromPyObject(o);
m.addref(); // protect the original numpy array from deallocation
// (since Mat destructor will decrement the reference counter)
m.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;

if( transposed )
Mat tmp;
tmp.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;
transpose(m, tmp);
m = tmp;
return true;

static PyObject* pyopencv_from(const Mat& m)
if( !m.data )
Mat temp, *p = (Mat*)&m;
if(!p->refcount || p->allocator != &g_numpyAllocator)
temp.allocator = &g_numpyAllocator;
p = &temp;
return pyObjectFromRefcount(p->refcount);

ABC::ABC() {}
ABC::~ABC() {}
// Note the import_array() from NumPy must be called else you will experience segmentation faults.
ABC::ABC(const std::string &someConfigFile)
// Initialization code. Possibly store someConfigFile etc.
import_array(); // This is a function from NumPy that MUST be called.
// Do other stuff

// The conversions functions above are taken from OpenCV. The following function is
// what we define to access the C++ code we are interested in.
PyObject* ABC::doSomething(PyObject* image)
cv::Mat cvImage;
pyopencv_to(image, cvImage); // From OpenCV's source

MyCPPClass obj; // Some object from the C++ library.
cv::Mat processedImage = obj.process(cvImage);

return pyopencv_from(processedImage); // From OpenCV's source

The code to use Boost Python to create the python module. I took this and the following Makefile from http://jayrambhia.wordpress.com/tag/boost/:


#include <string>    
#include "abc.hpp"

using namespace boost::python;

class_<ABC>("ABC", init<const std::string &>())
.def(init<const std::string &>())
.def("doSomething", &ABC::doSomething) // doSomething is the method in class ABC you wish to expose. One line for each method (or function depending on how you structure your code). Note: You don't have to expose everything in the library, just the ones you wish to make available to python.

And finally, the Makefile (successfully compiled on Ubuntu but should work elsewhere possibly with minimal adjustments).

PYTHON_INCLUDE = /usr/include/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)

# location of the Boost Python include files and library
BOOST_INC = /usr/local/include/boost
BOOST_LIB = /usr/local/lib

OPENCV_LIB = `pkg-config --libs opencv`
OPENCV_CFLAGS = `pkg-config --cflags opencv`

MY_CPP_LIB = lib_my_cpp_library.so

TARGET = pysomemodule
SRC = pysomemodule.cpp abc.cpp
OBJ = pysomemodule.o abc.o

$(TARGET).so: $(OBJ)
g++ -shared $(OBJ) -L$(BOOST_LIB) -lboost_python -L/usr/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/config -lpython$(PYTHON_VERSION) -o $(TARGET).so $(OPENCV_LIB) $(MY_CPP_LIB)

$(OBJ): $(SRC)

rm -f $(OBJ)
rm -f $(TARGET).so

After you have successfully compiled the library, you should have a file "pysomemodule.so" in the directory. Put this lib file in a place accessible by your python interpreter. You can then import this module and create an instance of the class "ABC" above as follows:

import pysomemodule

foo = pysomemodule.ABC("config.txt") # This will create an instance of ABC

Now, given an OpenCV numpy array image, we can call the C++ function using:

processedImage = foo.doSomething(image) # Where the argument "image" is a OpenCV numpy image.

Note that you will need Boost Python, Numpy dev, as well as Python dev library to create the bindings.

The NumPy docs in the following two links are particularly useful in helping one understand the methods that were used in the conversion code and why import_array() must be called. In particular, the official numpy doc is helpful in making sense of OpenCV's python binding code.


Hope this helps.

How to use opencv functions in C++ file and bind it with Python?

It could be that you have to edit the CMakeLists.txt in line 27 find_package(OpenCV COMPONENTS core REQUIRED) and add more components like find_package(OpenCV COMPONENTS core imgproc highgui REQUIRED)

How to get the OpenCV image from Python and use it in C++ in pybind11?

I ultimately could successfully get this to work thanks to @DanMasek and this link:

void cpp_callback1(bool i, std::string id, py::array_t<uint8_t>& img)
py::buffer_info buf = img.request();
cv::Mat mat(buf.shape[0], buf.shape[1], CV_8UC3, (unsigned char*)buf.ptr);

cv::imshow("test", mat);

note that the cast is necessary, or otherwise, you'd get a blackish screen only!

However, if somehow there was a way like py::return_value_policy that we could use to change the type of reference, so even though the python part ends, the c++ side wouldn't crash would be great.

side note :

it seems the ptr property exposed in the numpy array, is actually not a py::handle but a PyObject*&. I couldn't have a successful conversion and thus resorted to the solution I posted above. I'll update this answer, when I figure this out.


I found out, the arrays data holds a pointer to the underlying buffer and can be used easily as well.
From <pybind11/numpy.h> L681:

/// Pointer to the contained data. If index is not provided, points to the
/// beginning of the buffer. May throw if the index would lead to out of bounds access.

So my original code that used img.ptr(), can work using img.data() like this :

void cpp_callback1(bool i, std::string id, py::array_t<uint8_t>& img)
//auto im = img.unchecked<3>();
auto rows = img.shape(0);
auto cols = img.shape(1);
auto type = CV_8UC3;

cv::Mat img2(rows, cols, type, (unsigned char*)img.data());
cv::imshow("test", img2);

Wrapping a C code that use OpenCV for image processing to be used with Python that also use OpenCV

Porting code

The distinction between C and C++ code is very important. OpenCV has different APIs for each language, and the C API is rapidly becoming deprecated as C++ powers ahead as the language of choice. Make sure you are aware which API is in use.

Besides this, porting OpenCV code from one C++ to Python is usually straightforward. The APIs are similar and the vast majority of C++ functions correspond to a Python wrapper.

For example, calcHist:

C++: void calcHist(const Mat* images, int nimages, const int* channels, InputArray mask, OutputArray hist, int dims, const int* histSize, const float** ranges, bool uniform=true, bool accumulate=false )

Python: cv2.calcHist(images, channels, mask, histSize, ranges[, hist[, accumulate]]) → hist

As with many Python versions of OpenCV functions, you can see a few main differences:

  • There is no need for parameters such as nimages (represents the number of images) due to Python's internal tracking of list sizes.
  • Where there would be an output parameter in the C++ function (e.g. hist), the Python function will often give this as a return value.

Given the detail of the online OpenCV documentation, you may be able to port C++ code to Python yourself without much knowledge of C++ itself. This is probably faster than getting your collaborator to learn a whole new language in order to port his code, especially given your prior experience in the target language.

Pros of porting

  • Your entire project is maintained using a single language.
  • The benefits of Python (rapid development; no compiling; etc.) are available throughout the project.

Cons of porting

  • You will likely find that Python code usually runs slower than C++ code, because it is high-level and interpreted. The extent of this problem depends on how much processing is done outside of OpenCV.

  • Porting code takes substantial time and effort.

Wrapping existing code

The other option is to use the existing C++ code in a Python binding, which comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. There are a number of different options available to you in this case.

Pros of wrapping

  • Quick process - if the C++ code provides a good interface.
  • The performance of the C++ code is unaffected.

Cons of wrapping

  • If the C++ code doesn't provide a good interface, it will be painful to wrap it for use in Python.
  • The project is maintained using two different languages.

How to convert OpenCV image data from Python to C++?

See Artanis's gist Python C Extension Hello World for getting started with the creation of a module allowing you to call C code out of Python.

For converting between the Python 3 NumPy array and the C++ Mat, there are at least 2 places where you can find sample C++ code:

  1. The file cv2.cpp on the OpenCV repository contains functions that are not exposed in its API:

    • bool pyopencv_to(PyObject* o, UMat& um, const char* name) and

    • PyObject* pyopencv_from(const Mat& m).

  2. pyboostcvconverter provides similar standalone converter functions

    • PyObject* fromMatToNDArray(const Mat& m) and
    • Mat fromNDArrayToMat(PyObject* o).

Before calling any of these, make sure you call the NumPy function import_array() once to avoid a Segmentation Fault: 11 at runtime.

I've put it all together in a code sample on GitHub. Python grabs an image from the camera, passes it to the C++ module, then C++ mirrors the image and passes it back to Python, and finally Python displays the image.

How to build cv2 binding

There's not much documentation on how to create a bind (at least I only found this, which is very helpful but doesn't have all the information).

First, your module must use the following tree structure (I did everything with cmake):

└── modules
└── your_module
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   └── opencv2
│   └── your_module_bind_lib.hpp
└── src
└── your_module_bind_lib.cpp

An example of my CMakeLists.txt (this of course may change according to your project):

set(the_description "yourModule LIB")
ocv_define_module(your_module opencv_imgproc WRAP python)

Then I cloned OpenCV with

git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git

Make a build folder

mkdir wherever/build

And run the following command for cmake

cd wherever/build
cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/project_from_previous_tree/src/modules/ -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -D BUILD_opencv_apps=OFF -D BUILD_DOCS=OFF -D BUILD_PERF_TESTS=OFF -D BUILD_TESTS=OFF -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/ your_opencv_location/opencv/
make -j8
make install

In that command the only "special" thing was DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH (thanks to @berak for the idea).

And then? what happens in python level?

Make sure your python installation actually points to the built opencv, or use something like:

import sys
import cv2

where /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cv2/python-3.8' is where the generated .so is located in my PC.

With this you will be able to use things like


Where my_cpp stuff was declared and defined in the module project following the doc and can "easily" have OpenCV typed objects as parameters.

Et voila, now you can use your c++ functions in python.

Notice that this solution does not do any modification to the opencv directory cloned from Git.

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