C++ Stl: Array VS Vector: Raw Element Accessing Performance

C++ STL: Array vs Vector: Raw element accessing performance

Element access time in a typical implementation of a std::vector is the same as element access time in an ordinary array available through a pointer object (i.e. a run-time pointer value)

std::vector<int> v;
int *pa;
// Both have the same access time

However, the access time to an element of an array available as an array object is better than both of the above accesses (equivalent to access through a compile-time pointer value)

int a[100];
// Faster than both of the above

For example, a typical read access to an int array available through a run-time pointer value will look as follows in the compiled code on x86 platform

// pa[i]
mov ecx, pa // read pointer value from memory
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [ecx + eax * 4]

Access to vector element will look pretty much the same.

A typical access to a local int array available as an array object will look as follows

// a[i]
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [esp + <offset constant> + eax * 4]

A typical access to a global int array available as an array object will look as follows

// a[i]
mov eax, i
mov <result>, dword ptr [<absolute address constant> + eax * 4]

The difference in performance arises from that extra mov instruction in the first variant, which has to make an extra memory access.

However, the difference is negligible. And it is easily optimized to the point of being exactly the same in multiple-access context (by loading the target address in a register).

So the statement about "arrays being a bit faster" is correct in narrow case when the array is accessible directly through the array object, not through a pointer object. But the practical value of that difference is virtually nothing.

Using arrays or std::vectors in C++, what's the performance gap?

Using C++ arrays with new (that is, using dynamic arrays) should be avoided. There is the problem that you have to keep track of the size, and you need to delete them manually and do all sorts of housekeeping.

Using arrays on the stack is also discouraged because you don't have range checking, and passing the array around will lose any information about its size (array to pointer conversion). You should use std::array in that case, which wraps a C++ array in a small class and provides a size function and iterators to iterate over it.

Now, std::vector vs. native C++ arrays (taken from the internet):

// Comparison of assembly code generated for basic indexing, dereferencing, 
// and increment operations on vectors and arrays/pointers.

// Assembly code was generated by gcc 4.1.0 invoked with g++ -O3 -S on a
// x86_64-suse-linux machine.

#include <vector>

struct S
int padding;

std::vector<int> v;
int * p;
std::vector<int>::iterator i;

int pointer_index (S & s) { return s.p[3]; }
// movq 32(%rdi), %rax
// movl 12(%rax), %eax
// ret

int vector_index (S & s) { return s.v[3]; }
// movq 8(%rdi), %rax
// movl 12(%rax), %eax
// ret

// Conclusion: Indexing a vector is the same damn thing as indexing a pointer.

int pointer_deref (S & s) { return *s.p; }
// movq 32(%rdi), %rax
// movl (%rax), %eax
// ret

int iterator_deref (S & s) { return *s.i; }
// movq 40(%rdi), %rax
// movl (%rax), %eax
// ret

// Conclusion: Dereferencing a vector iterator is the same damn thing
// as dereferencing a pointer.

void pointer_increment (S & s) { ++s.p; }
// addq $4, 32(%rdi)
// ret

void iterator_increment (S & s) { ++s.i; }
// addq $4, 40(%rdi)
// ret

// Conclusion: Incrementing a vector iterator is the same damn thing as
// incrementing a pointer.

Note: If you allocate arrays with new and allocate non-class objects (like plain int) or classes without a user defined constructor and you don't want to have your elements initialized initially, using new-allocated arrays can have performance advantages because std::vector initializes all elements to default values (0 for int, for example) on construction (credits to @bernie for reminding me).

Is std::vector so much slower than plain arrays?

Using the following:

g++ -O3 Time.cpp -I <MyBoost>


UseArray completed in 2.196 seconds

UseVector completed in 4.412 seconds

UseVectorPushBack completed in 8.017 seconds

The whole thing completed in 14.626 seconds

So array is twice as quick as vector.

But after looking at the code in more detail this is expected; as you run across the vector twice and the array only once. Note: when you resize() the vector you are not only allocating the memory but also running through the vector and calling the constructor on each member.

Re-Arranging the code slightly so that the vector only initializes each object once:

 std::vector<Pixel>  pixels(dimensions * dimensions, Pixel(255,0,0));

Now doing the same timing again:

g++ -O3 Time.cpp -I <MyBoost>


UseVector completed in 2.216 seconds

The vector now performance only slightly worse than the array. IMO this difference is insignificant and could be caused by a whole bunch of things not associated with the test.

I would also take into account that you are not correctly initializing/Destroying the Pixel object in the UseArrray() method as neither constructor/destructor is not called (this may not be an issue for this simple class but anything slightly more complex (ie with pointers or members with pointers) will cause problems.

Why is std::vector slower than an array?

Let us observe how GCC optimizes this test program:

#include <vector>

int main()
int len = 800000;
int* Data = new int[len];

int arr[3] = { 255, 0, 0 };
std::vector<int> vec = { 255, 0, 0 };

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Data[i] = vec[0];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Data[i] = arr[0];
delete[] Data;

The compiler rightly notices that the vector is constant, and eliminates it. Exactly same code is generated for both loops. Therefore it should be irrelevant whether the first loop uses array or vector.

movups XMMWORD PTR [rcx], xmm0
add rcx, 16
cmp rsi, rcx
jne .L2

What makes difference in your test program is the order of loops. The comments point out that when a third loop is added to the beginning, both loops take the same time.

I would expect that with a modern compiler accessing a vector would be approximately as fast as accessing an array, when optimization is enabled and debug is disabled. If there is an observable difference in your actual program, the problem lies somewhere else.

STL containers speed vs. arrays

It's hard (or even impossible) to say in advance what the
relative performances will be. Generally, on modern machines,
using a flat vector, and calculating the indexes into it, will
outperform a vector of vector of vector; on older machines, the
reverse was true. (On modern machines, multiplication is
usually cheaper than the page misses due to poor locality. On
older machines, multiplication was expensive, and there weren't
caches, so locality didn't make a difference.)

Also, depending on the machine and the library implementation,
using an std::vector for this flat vector may be more
expensive than using a simple pointer to the memory (or it may
not be—you can't know in advance). I'd still go for the
vector first, wrap everything carefully in a controlling class,
and if there were still performance problems, switch to the

C++ std::vector vs array in the real world

A: Almost always [use a vector instead of an array]. Vectors are efficient and flexible. They do require a little more memory than arrays, but this tradeoff is almost always worth the benefits.

That's an over-simplification. It's fairly common to use arrays, and can be attractive when:

  • the elements are specified at compile time, e.g. const char project[] = "Super Server";, const Colours colours[] = { Green, Yellow };

    • with C++11 it will be equally concise to initialise std::vectors with values

  • the number of elements is inherently fixed, e.g. const char* const bool_to_str[] = { "false", "true" };, Piece chess_board[8][8];

  • first-use performance is critical: with arrays of constants the compiler can often write a memory snapshot of the fully pre-initialised objects into the executable image, which is then page-faulted directly into place ready for use, so it's typically much faster that run-time heap allocation (new[]) followed by serialised construction of objects

    • compiler-generated tables of const data can always be safely read by multiple threads, whereas data constructed at run-time must complete construction before other code triggered by constructors for non-function-local static variables attempts to use that data: you end up needing some manner of Singleton (possibly threadsafe which will be even slower)

    • In C++03, vectors created with an initial size would construct one prototypical element object then copy construct each data member. That meant that even for types where construction was deliberately left as a no-operation, there was still a cost to copy the data elements - replicating their whatever-garbage-was-left-in-memory values. Clearly an array of uninitialised elements is faster.

  • One of the powerful features of C++ is that often you can write a class (or struct) that exactly models the memory layout required by a specific protocol, then aim a class-pointer at the memory you need to work with to conveniently interpret or assign values. For better or worse, many such protocols often embed small fixed sized arrays.

  • There's a decades-old hack for putting an array of 1 element (or even 0 if your compiler allows it as an extension) at the end of a struct/class, aiming a pointer to the struct type at some larger data area, and accessing array elements off the end of the struct based on prior knowledge of the memory availability and content (if reading before writing) - see What's the need of array with zero elements?

  • classes/structures containing arrays can still be POD types

  • arrays facilitate access in shared memory from multiple processes (by default vector's internal pointers to the actual dynamically allocated data won't be in shared memory or meaningful across processes, and it was famously difficult to force C++03 vectors to use shared memory like this even when specifying a custom allocator template parameter).

  • embedding arrays can localise memory access requirement, improving cache hits and therefore performance

That said, if it's not an active pain to use a vector (in code concision, readability or performance) then you're better off doing so: they've size(), checked random access via at(), iterators, resizing (which often becomes necessary as an application "matures") etc.. It's also often easier to change from vector to some other Standard container should there be a need, and safer/easier to apply Standard algorithms (x.end() is better than x + sizeof x / sizeof x[0] any day).

UPDATE: C++11 introduced a std::array<>, which avoids some of the costs of vectors - internally using a fixed-sized array to avoid an extra heap allocation/deallocation - while offering some of the benefits and API features: http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/container/array.

C++ performance std::array vs std::vector

C++ aliasing rules don't let the compiler prove that glob[i] += stuff doesn't modify one of the elements of const vec v1 {1.0,-1.0,1.0}; or v2.

const on a std::vector means the "control block" pointers can be assumed to not be modified after it's constructed, but the memory is still dynamically allocated an all the compiler knows is that it effectively has a const double * in static storage.

Nothing in the std::vector implementation lets the compiler rule out some other non-const pointer pointing into that storage. For example, the double *data in the control block of glob.

C++ doesn't provide a way for library implementers to give the compiler the information that the storage for different std::vectors doesn't overlap. They can't use __restrict (even on compilers that support that extension) because that could break programs that take the address of a vector element. See the C99 documentation for restrict.

But with const arr a1 {1.0,-1.0,1.0}; and a2, the doubles themselves can go in read-only static storage, and the compiler knows this. Therefore it can evaluate comb(a1[0],a2[0]); and so on at compile time. In @Xirema's answer, you can see the asm output loads constants .LC1 and .LC2. (Only two constants because both a1[0]+a2[0] and a1[2]+a2[2] are 1.0+1.0. The loop body uses xmm2 as a source operand for addsd twice, and the other constant once.)

But couldn't the compiler still do the sums once outside the loop at runtime?

No, again because of potential aliasing. It doesn't know that stores into glob[i+0..3] won't modify the contents of v1[0..2], so it reloads from v1 and v2 every time through the loop after the store into glob.

(It doesn't have to reload the vector<> control block pointers, though, because type-based strict aliasing rules let it assume that storing a double doesn't modify a double*.)

The compiler could have checked that glob.data() + 0 .. N-3 didn't overlap with either of v1/v1.data() + 0 .. 2, and made a different version of the loop for that case, hoisting the three comb() results out of the loop.

This is a useful optimization that some compilers do when auto-vectorizing if they can't prove lack of aliasing; it's clearly a missed optimization in your case that gcc doesn't check for overlap because it would make the function run much faster. But the question is whether the compiler could reasonably guess that it was worth emitting asm that checks at runtime for overlap, and has 2 different versions of the same loop. With profile-guided optimization, it would know the loop is hot (runs many iterations), and would be worth spending extra time on. But without that, the compiler might not want to risk bloating the code too much.

ICC19 (Intel's compiler) in fact does do something like that here, but it's weird: if you look at the beginning of assemble_vec (on the Godbolt compiler explorer), it load the data pointer from glob, then adds 8 and subtracts the pointer again, producing a constant 8. Then it branches at runtime on 8 > 784 (not taken) and then -8 < 784 (taken). It looks like this was supposed to be an overlap check, but it maybe used the same pointer twice instead of v1 and v2? (784 = 8*100 - 16 = sizeof(double)*N - 16)

Anyway, it ends up running the ..B2.19 loop that hoists all 3 comb() calculations, and interestingly does 2 iterations at once of the loop with 4 scalar loads and stores to glob[i+0..4], and 6 addsd (scalar double) add instructions.

Elsewhere in the function body, there's a vectorized version that uses 3x addpd (packed double), just storing / reloading 128-bit vectors that partially overlap. This will cause store-forwarding stalls, but out-of-order execution may be able to hide that. It's just really weird that it branches at runtime on a calculation that will produce the same result every time, and never uses that loop. Smells like a bug.

If glob[] had been a static array, you'd still have had a problem. Because the compiler can't know that v1/v2.data() aren't pointing into that static array.

I thought if you accessed it through double *__restrict g = &glob[0];, there wouldn't have been a problem at all. That will promise the compiler that g[i] += ... won't affect any values that you access through other pointers, like v1[0].

In practice, that does not enable hoisting of comb() for gcc, clang, or ICC -O3. But it does for MSVC. (I've read that MSVC doesn't do type-based strict aliasing optimizations, but it's not reloading glob.data() inside the loop so it has somehow figured out that storing a double won't modify a pointer. But MSVC does define the behaviour of *(int*)my_float for type-punning, unlike other C++ implementations.)

For testing, I put this on Godbolt

void assemble_vec()
double *__restrict g = &glob[0]; // Helps MSVC, but not gcc/clang/ICC
// std::vector<double> &g = glob; // actually hurts ICC it seems?
// #define g glob // so use this as the alternative to __restrict
for (size_t i=0; i<N-2; ++i)
g[i] += comb(v1[0],v2[0]);
g[i+1] += comb(v1[1],v2[1]);
g[i+2] += comb(v1[2],v2[2]);

We get this from MSVC outside the loop

    movsd   xmm2, QWORD PTR [rcx]       # v2[0]
movsd xmm3, QWORD PTR [rcx+8]
movsd xmm4, QWORD PTR [rcx+16]
addsd xmm2, QWORD PTR [rax] # += v1[0]
addsd xmm3, QWORD PTR [rax+8]
addsd xmm4, QWORD PTR [rax+16]
mov eax, 98 ; 00000062H

Then we get an efficient-looking loop.

So this is a missed-optimization for gcc/clang/ICC.

Should I use std::vector instead of array

One interesting thing to note is that while iterators will be invalidated in many functions with vectors, that is not the case with arrays. Note: std::swap with std::array the iterator will still point to the same spot.

See more:

Good summary of advantages of arrays:

This point seemed most interesting:

fixed-size arrays can be embedded directly into a struct or object,
which can improve memory locality and reducing the number of heap
allocations needed

Not having tested that, I'm not sure it's actually true though.

Here is a discussion in regards to 2D Vectors vs Arrays in regards to the competitive programming in Code Chef:

Apparently memory is not contiguous in 2 dimensions in 2D vectors, only one dimension, however in 2D arrays it is.

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