Why Doesn't C++ Have &&= or ||= for Booleans

Why doesn't c++ have &&= or ||= for booleans?

A bool may only be true or false in C++. As such, using &= and |= is relatively safe (even though I don’t particularly like the notation). True, they will perform bit operations rather than logical operations (and thus they won’t short-circuit) but these bit operations follow a well-defined mapping, which is effectively equivalent to the logical operations, as long as both operands are of type bool.1

Contrary to what other people have said here, a bool in C++ must never have a different value such as 2. When assigning that value to a bool, it will be converted to true as per the standard.

The only way to get an invalid value into a bool is by using reinterpret_cast on pointers:

int i = 2;
bool b = *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(&i);
b |= true; // MAY yield 3 (but doesn’t on my PC!)

But since this code results in undefined behaviour anyway, we may safely ignore this potential problem in conforming C++ code.

1 Admittedly this is a rather big caveat as Angew’s comment illustrates:

bool b = true;
b &= 2; // yields `false`.

The reason is that b & 2 performs integer promotion such that the expression is then equivalent to static_cast<int>(b) & 2, which results in 0, which is then converted back into a bool. So it’s true that the existence of an operator &&= would improve type safety.

Do the &= and |= operators for bool short-circuit?

From C++11 5.17 Assignment and compound assignment operators:

The behavior of an expression of the form E1 op = E2 is equivalent to E1 = E1 op E2 except that E1 is evaluated only once.

However, you're mixing up logical AND which does short-circuit, and the bitwise AND which never does.

The text snippet &&=, which would be how you would do what you're asking about, is nowhere to be found in the standard. The reason for that is that it doesn't actually exist: there is no logical-and-assignment operator.

&&= and ||= operators

I don't know why both the question and some of the answers mention short-circuiting behavior of the corresponding logical operators as a potential issue.

There's absolutely no short-circuit-related problems with defining &&= and ||= operators. They should be defined uniformly with += and other similar operators, meaning that a &&= b should be equivalent to a = a && b, but with a being evaluated only once in &&= version. This means in turn that b is not evaluated at all if a is originally zero. Easy.

So, the only reason they don't exist in the language is, well, "just because".

How does C++ handle &&? (Short-circuit evaluation)

Yes, the && operator in C++ uses short-circuit evaluation so that if bool1 evaluates to false it doesn't bother evaluating bool2.

"Short-circuit evaluation" is the fancy term that you want to Google and look for in indexes.

The same happens with the || operator, if bool1 evaluates to true then the whole expression will evaluate to true, without evaluating bool2.

In case you want to evaluate all expressions anyway you can use the & and | operators.

python augmented assignment for boolean operators

No, there is no augmented assignment operator for the boolean operators.

Augmented assignment exist to give mutable left-hand operands the chance to alter the object in-place, rather than create a new object. The boolean operators on the other hand cannot be translated to an in-place operation; for x = x and y you either rebind x to x, or you rebind it to y, but x itself would not change.

As such, x and= y would actually be quite confusing; either x would be unchanged, or replaced by y.

Unless you have actual boolean objects, do not use the &= and |= augmented assignments for the bitwise operators. Only for boolean objects (so True and False) are those operators overloaded to produce the same output as the and and or operators. For other types they'll either result in a TypeError, or an entirely different operation is applied. For integers, that's a bitwise operation, sets overload it to do intersections.

How do I set, clear, and toggle a single bit?

Setting a bit

Use the bitwise OR operator (|) to set a bit.

number |= 1UL << n;

That will set the nth bit of number. n should be zero, if you want to set the 1st bit and so on upto n-1, if you want to set the nth bit.

Use 1ULL if number is wider than unsigned long; promotion of 1UL << n doesn't happen until after evaluating 1UL << n where it's undefined behaviour to shift by more than the width of a long. The same applies to all the rest of the examples.

Clearing a bit

Use the bitwise AND operator (&) to clear a bit.

number &= ~(1UL << n);

That will clear the nth bit of number. You must invert the bit string with the bitwise NOT operator (~), then AND it.

Toggling a bit

The XOR operator (^) can be used to toggle a bit.

number ^= 1UL << n;

That will toggle the nth bit of number.

Checking a bit

You didn't ask for this, but I might as well add it.

To check a bit, shift the number n to the right, then bitwise AND it:

bit = (number >> n) & 1U;

That will put the value of the nth bit of number into the variable bit.

Changing the nth bit to x

Setting the nth bit to either 1 or 0 can be achieved with the following on a 2's complement C++ implementation:

number ^= (-x ^ number) & (1UL << n);

Bit n will be set if x is 1, and cleared if x is 0. If x has some other value, you get garbage. x = !!x will booleanize it to 0 or 1.

To make this independent of 2's complement negation behaviour (where -1 has all bits set, unlike on a 1's complement or sign/magnitude C++ implementation), use unsigned negation.

number ^= (-(unsigned long)x ^ number) & (1UL << n);


unsigned long newbit = !!x;    // Also booleanize to force 0 or 1
number ^= (-newbit ^ number) & (1UL << n);

It's generally a good idea to use unsigned types for portable bit manipulation.


number = (number & ~(1UL << n)) | (x << n);

(number & ~(1UL << n)) will clear the nth bit and (x << n) will set the nth bit to x.

It's also generally a good idea to not to copy/paste code in general and so many people use preprocessor macros (like the community wiki answer further down) or some sort of encapsulation.

What does the construct x = x || y mean?

It means the title argument is optional. So if you call the method with no arguments it will use a default value of "Error".

It's shorthand for writing:

if (!title) {
title = "Error";

This kind of shorthand trick with boolean expressions is common in Perl too. With the expression:

a OR b

it evaluates to true if either a or b is true. So if a is true you don't need to check b at all. This is called short-circuit boolean evaluation so:

var title = title || "Error";

basically checks if title evaluates to false. If it does, it "returns" "Error", otherwise it returns title.

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