Is There Still a Use for Inline

Is there still a use for inline?

I will try to explain my "secret understanding" the best way I can.

There are two entirely separate concepts here. One is the compiler's ability to replace a function call by repeating the function body directly at the call site. The other is the possibility of defining a function in more than one translation unit (= more than one .cpp file).

The first one is called function inlining. The second is the purpose of the inline keyword. Historically, the inline keyword was also a strong suggestion to the compiler that it should inline the function marked inline. As compilers became better at optimising, this functionality has receded, and using inline as a suggestion to inline a function is indeed obsolete. The compiler will happily ignore it and inline something else entirely if it finds that's a better optimisation.

I hope we've dealt with the explicit inline–inlining relationship. There is none in current code.

So, what is the actual purpose of the inline keyword? It's simple: a function marked inline can be defined in more than one translation unit without violating the One Definition Rule (ODR). Imagine these two files:


int f() { return 42; }

int main()
{ return f(); }


int f() { return 42; }

This command:

> gcc file1.cpp file2.cpp

Will produce a linker error, complaining that the symbol f is defined twice.

However, if you mark a function with the inline keyword, it specifically tells the compiler & linker: "You guys make sure that multiple identical definitions of this function do not result in any errors!"

So the following will work:


inline int f() { return 42; }

int main()
{ return f(); }


inline int f() { return 42; }

Compiling and linking these two files together will not produce any linker errors.

Notice that of course the definition of f doesn't have to be in the files verbatim. It can come from an #included header file instead:


inline int f() { return 42; }


#include "f.hpp"

int main()
{ return f(); }


#include "f.hpp"

Basically, to be able to write a function definition into a header file, you have to mark it as inline, otherwise it will lead to multiple definition errors.

The last piece of the puzzle is: why is the keyword actually spelled inline when it has nothing to do with inlining? The reason is simple: to inline a function (that is, to replace a call to it by repeating its body on the call site), the compiler must have the function's body in the first place.

C++ follows a separate compilation model, where the compiler doesn't have access to object files other than the one it's currently producing. Therefore, to be able to inline a function, its definition must be part of the current translation unit. If you want to be able to inline it in more than one translation unit, its definition has to be in all of them. Normally, this would lead to a multiple definition error. So if you put your function in a header and #include its definition everywhere to enable its inlining everywhere, you have to mark it as inline to prevent multiple definition errors.

Notice that even today, while a compiler will inline any function is sees fit, it must still have access to that function's definition. So while the inline keyword is not required as the hint "please inline this," you may still find you need to use it to enable the compiler to do the inlining if it chooses to do so. Without it, you might not be able to get the definition into the translation unit, and without the definition, the compiler simply cannot inline the function.

The compiler cannot. The linker can. Modern optimisation techniques include Link-Time Code Generation (a.k.a. Whole Program Optimisation), where the optimiser is run over all object files as part of the linking process, before the actual linking. In this step, all function definitions are of course available and inlining is perfectly possible without a single inline keyword being used anywhere in the program. But this optimisation is generally costly in build time, especially for large projects. With this in mind, relying solely on LTCG for inlining may not be the best option.

For completeness: I've cheated slightly in the first part. The ODR property is actually not a property of the inline keyword, but of inline functions (which is a term of the language). The rules for inline functions are:

  • Can be defined in multiple translation units without causing linker errors
  • Must be defined in every translation unit in which it is used
  • All its definitions must be token-for-token and entity-for-entity identical

The inline keyword turns a function into an inline function. Another way to mark a function as inline is to define (not just declare) it directly in a class definition. Such a function is inline automatically, even without the inline keyword.

When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method?

Oh man, one of my pet peeves.

inline is more like static or extern than a directive telling the compiler to inline your functions. extern, static, inline are linkage directives, used almost exclusively by the linker, not the compiler.

It is said that inline hints to the compiler that you think the function should be inlined. That may have been true in 1998, but a decade later the compiler needs no such hints. Not to mention humans are usually wrong when it comes to optimizing code, so most compilers flat out ignore the 'hint'.

  • static - the variable/function name cannot be used in other translation units. Linker needs to make sure it doesn't accidentally use a statically defined variable/function from another translation unit.

  • extern - use this variable/function name in this translation unit but don't complain if it isn't defined. The linker will sort it out and make sure all the code that tried to use some extern symbol has its address.

  • inline - this function will be defined in multiple translation units, don't worry about it. The linker needs to make sure all translation units use a single instance of the variable/function.

Note: Generally, declaring templates inline is pointless, as they have the linkage semantics of inline already. However, explicit specialization and instantiation of templates require inline to be used.

Specific answers to your questions:

  • When should I write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method in C++?

    Only when you want the function to be defined in a header. More exactly only when the function's definition can show up in multiple translation units. It's a good idea to define small (as in one liner) functions in the header file as it gives the compiler more information to work with while optimizing your code. It also increases compilation time.

  • When should I not write the keyword 'inline' for a function/method in C++?

    Don't add inline just because you think your code will run faster if the compiler inlines it.

  • When will the compiler not know when to make a function/method 'inline'?

    Generally, the compiler will be able to do this better than you. However, the compiler doesn't have the option to inline code if it doesn't have the function definition. In maximally optimized code usually all private methods are inlined whether you ask for it or not.

    As an aside to prevent inlining in GCC, use __attribute__(( noinline )), and in Visual Studio, use __declspec(noinline).

  • Does it matter if an application is multithreaded when one writes 'inline' for a function/method?

    Multithreading doesn't affect inlining in any way.

What is the use of the `inline` keyword in C?

Note: when I talk about .c files and .h files in this answer, I assume you have laid out your code correctly, i.e. .c files only include .h files. The distinction is that a .h file may be included in multiple translation units.

static inline void f(void) {} has no practical difference with static void f(void) {}.

In ISO C, this is correct. They are identical in behaviour (assuming you don't re-declare them differently in the same TU of course!) the only practical effect may be to cause the compiler to optimize differently.

inline void f(void) {} in C doesn't work as the C++ way. How does it work in C? What actually does extern inline void f(void); do?

This is explained by this answer and also this thread.

In ISO C and C++, you can freely use inline void f(void) {} in header files -- although for different reasons!

In ISO C, it does not provide an external definition at all. In ISO C++ it does provide an external definition; however C++ has an additional rule (which C doesn't), that if there are multiple external definitions of an inline function, then the compiler sorts it out and picks one of them.

extern inline void f(void); in a .c file in ISO C is meant to be paired with the use of inline void f(void) {} in header files. It causes the external definition of the function to be emitted in that translation unit. If you don't do this then there is no external definition, and so you may get a link error (it is unspecified whether any particular call of f links to the external definition or not).

In other words, in ISO C you can manually select where the external definition goes; or suppress external definition entirely by using static inline everywhere; but in ISO C++ the compiler chooses if and where an external definition would go.

In GNU C, things are different (more on this below).

To complicate things further, GNU C++ allows you to write static inline an extern inline in C++ code... I wouldn't like to guess on what that does exactly

I never really found a use of the inline keyword in my C programs, and when I see this keyword in other people's code, it's almost always static inline

Many coders don't know what they're doing and just put together something that appears to work. Another factor here is that the code you're looking at might have been written for GNU C, not ISO C.

In GNU C, plain inline behaves differently to ISO C. It actually emits an externally visible definition, so having a .h file with a plain inline function included from two translation units causes undefined behaviour.

So if the coder wants to supply the inline optimization hint in GNU C, then static inline is required. Since static inline works in both ISO C and GNU C, it's natural that people ended up settling for that and seeing that it appeared to work without giving errors.

, in which I see no difference with just static.

The difference is just in the intent to provide a speed-over-size optimization hint to the compiler. With modern compilers this is superfluous.

When to use inline function and when not to use it?

Avoiding the cost of a function call is only half the story.


  • use inline instead of #define
  • very small functions are good candidates for inline: faster code and smaller executables (more chances to stay in the code cache)
  • the function is small and called very often


  • large functions: leads to larger executables, which significantly impairs performance regardless of the faster execution that results from the calling overhead
  • inline functions that are I/O bound
  • the function is seldom used
  • constructors and destructors: even when empty, the compiler generates code for them
  • breaking binary compatibility when developing libraries:

    • inline an existing function
    • change an inline function or make an inline function non-inline: prior version of the library call the old implementation

when developing a library, in order to make a class extensible in the future you should:

  • add non-inline virtual destructor even if the body is empty
  • make all constructors non-inline
  • write non-inline implementations of the copy constructor and assignment operator unless the class cannot be copied by value

Remember that the inline keyword is a hint to the compiler: the compiler may decide not to inline a function and it can decide to inline functions that were not marked inline in the first place. I generally avoid marking function inline (apart maybe when writing very very small functions).

About performance, the wise approach is (as always) to profile the application, then eventually inline a set of functions representing a bottleneck.


  • To Inline or Not To Inline
  • [9] Inline functions
  • Policies/Binary Compatibility Issues With C++
  • GotW #33: Inline
  • Inline Redux
  • Effective C++ - Item 33: Use inlining judiciously

EDIT: Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language:

A function can be defined to be inline. For example:

inline int fac(int n)
return (n < 2) ? 1 : n * fac(n-1);

The inline specifier is a hint to the compiler that it should attempt to generate code for a call of fac() inline rather than laying down the code for the function once and then calling through the usual function call mechanism. A clever compiler can generate the constant 720 for a call fac(6). The possibility of mutually recursive inline functions, inline functions that recurse or not depending on input, etc., makes it impossible to guarantee that every call of an inline function is actually inlined. The degree of cleverness of a compiler cannot be legislated, so one compiler might generate 720, another 6 * fac(5), and yet another an un-inlined call fac(6).

To make inlining possible in the absence of unusually clever compilation and linking facilities, the definition–and not just the declaration–of an inline function must be in scope (§9.2). An inline especifier does not affect the semantics of a function. In particular, an inline function still has a unique address and so has static variables (§7.1.2) of an inline function.

EDIT2: ISO-IEC 14882-1998, 7.1.2 Function specifiers

A function declaration (8.3.5, 9.3, 11.4) with an inline specifier declares an inline function. The inline specifier indicates to the implementation that inline substitution of the function body at the point of call is to be preferred to the usual function call mechanism. An implementation is not required to perform this inline substitution at the point of call; however, even if this inline substitution is omitted, the other rules for inline functions defined by 7.1.2 shall still be respected.

inline and good practices

No, and no! inline is not just a hint to the compiler and it doesn't enforce internal linkage.

inline is implicit on functions defined in a class body so you only need it on functions defined outside of classes. You should use it when, and only when, you need to enable the changes to the one definition rule that inline makes.

Why should I ever use inline code?

  • Is there a big difference between "regular" code and inline code?

Yes and no. No, because an inline function or method has exactly the same characteristics as a regular one, most important one being that they are both type safe. And yes, because the assembly code generated by the compiler will be different; with a regular function, each call will be translated into several steps: pushing parameters on the stack, making the jump to the function, popping the parameters, etc, whereas a call to an inline function will be replaced by its actual code, like a macro.

  • Is inline code simply a "form" of macros?

No! A macro is simple text replacement, which can lead to severe errors. Consider the following code:

#define unsafe(i) ( (i) >= 0 ? (i) : -(i) )

unsafe(x++); // x is incremented twice!
unsafe(f()); // f() is called twice!

Using an inline function, you're sure that parameters will be evaluated before the function is actually performed. They will also be type checked, and eventually converted to match the formal parameters types.

  • What kind of tradeoff must be done when choosing to inline your code?

Normally, program execution should be faster when using inline functions, but with a bigger binary code. For more information, you should read GoTW#33.

Why are pointers to inline functions allowed?

1) Why pointers to inline functions are allowed in c++?

Because inline functions are functions just like any other, and pointing to them is one of the things that you can do with functions. Inline functions just aren't special in this regard.

I have read that code of inline functions just get copied to the function calling statement and there is no compile time memory allocations in inline functions.

You (and perhaps the material you've read) have mixed two related and similarly named concepts.

An inline function is defined in all translation units that use it, while a non-inline function is defined in one translation unit only as required by the one definition rule. That is what an inline declaration of a function means; it relaxes the one definition rule, but also gives the additional requirement of being defined in all translation units that use it (which would not have been possible if the odr wasn't relaxed).

Inline expansion (or inlining) is an optimization, where a function call is avoided by copying the called function into the frame of the caller. A function call can be expanded inline, whether the function has been declared inline or not. And a function that has been declared inline is not necessarily expanded inline.

However, a function can not be expanded inline in a translation unit where it is not defined (unless link time optimization performs the expansion). Therefore the requirement of being defined in all TUs that the inline declaration allows, also makes possible the inline expansion of the function by allowing the function to be defined in all TUs that invoke it. But the optimization is not guaranteed.

2) Should it not print different values of address of n each time func() is called?

Inline expansion does cause the local variables to be located in the frame of the caller, yes. But their location will differ regardless of expansion if the calls originate from separate frames.

There is typically a regular non-expanded version generated of any function that has been expanded inline. If the address of a function is taken, it will point to that non-expanded function. If the compiler can prove that all calls to a function are inlined, the compiler might choose to not provide the non-expanded version at all. This requires that the function has internal linkage, and taking the address of the function typically makes such proof very difficult, or impossible.

Correct placement of 'inline'

4, 5, and 6 are (probably) wrong: inline functions must be defined in every translation unit that uses them, so these only allow the function to be used in one translation unit. This might be acceptable for a private function that's only called by other functions defined in the same source file, but prevents the more general usage that you usually want from a function declared in a header.

The others are all equivalent: they contain at least one inline declaration, and exactly one definition, in a header so that the definition can be included anywhere it's needed. (As long as the header is properly protected against re-inclusion, to prevent multiple definitions in a single translation unit).

In the first, the inline keyword is redundant: functions defined inside class definitions are implicitly inline.

I would advise against 3 and 7, since they require changing both the declaration and the definition if you later decide that the function shouldn't be inline. That leaves 1 and 2 as my preferred options; and I'd only use 1 for very short functions to avoid cluttering the class definition.

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