Fstream Won't Create a File

fstream won't create a file

You should add fstream::out to open method like this:


More information about fstream flags, check out this link: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/fstream/fstream/open/

fstream not creating new file

Some pointers about fstream:

a. If you are using a back slash to specify the directory such as when using
fstream f;

f.open( "folder\file", ios::out);

it won't work, a back slash has to be preceded by a backslash, so the correct way would be:

f.open( "folder\\file", ios::out);

b. If you want to create a new file, this won't work:

f.open("file.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);

the correct way would be to first create the file, using either ios::out or ios::trunc

f.open("file.txt". ios::out) or f.open("file.txt", ios::trunc);

and then

f.open("file.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);

c. Finally, it could be in this order as specified in this answer,
fstream not creating file

Basically ios::in requires to already have an existing file.

std::fstream doesn't create file

You're specifying std::fstream::in in your call to fstream::open(). This is known to force it to require an existing file.

Either remove std::fstream::in from your mode argument, or specify std::fstream::trunc in addition to the other flags.

Cannot create a txt file using fstream::open

Point 1: You cannot open to read if the file doesn't exist. Fortunately you probably don't want to. Simultaneously reading and writing the same file is problematic and almost always a bad idea. Until you know you have to read and write at the same time,

  1. open the file for reading
  2. read in the file
  3. close the file.
  4. edit the file in memory
  5. open the file for writing
  6. write out the file
  7. close the file

If you have a really big file you can't store in memory,

  1. open the file for reading
  2. open a temporary file for writing
  3. read in part of the file
  4. edit the part you read
  5. write the part you read to temporary
  6. if more file, goto 3 (but don't use goto), else continue
  7. close file
  8. close temporary file
  9. delete file
  10. rename temporary file to file

Point 2: You have created the txtfile folder, but have you created it in the right place? Your development environment (include of conio.h suggests Visual Studio or antique) may not be running your program from where you think it is running.

Add this to your code in main:

char buf[4097]; // really big buffer
getcwd(buf, (int)sizeof(buf)); // get working directory
std::cout << buf << std::endl; // print the working directory

If the folder printed out is not where you made the txtfile folder, you can't open the file. If you want to automatically make the folder, read here: How to make a folder/directory

Point 3: exit(1); is a really big hammer. It is a nasty hammer. Read more here. Don't use it without a really, really good reason. In this case return is more than enough to get you out of the function, and if you add a return value to the function, main can test the return value to see if it should continue or return. Or you can throw an exception.

I cannot create a file in C++ using fstream

You need to read the documentation, you can't program C++ by guess work. These options allow you to open a file for simultaneous reading and writing, but with the following caveats

// error if the file does not exist
std::fstream fileObject("randomFile.txt");

or (same thing)

// error if the file does not exist
std::fstream fileObject("randomFile.txt",


// destroys contents if the file exists, but creates file if it does not
std::fstream fileObject("randomFile.txt",

If neither of these options is exactly what you want then you are going to have to check for the files existence before you open the file.

Reference here.

fstream is not creating a file in C++

Your code generally works with small changes, the file is just created in the current working directory from which your program is ran, not in the directory the executable is in. There are a lot of other things you might want to address though:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
// if including things from the C standard library in a C++ program,
// use c[header] instead of [header].h; you don't need any here though.

using namespace std;

int main()
// no need to call open(), the constructor is overloaded
// to directly open a file so this does the same thing
ofstream file("data.dat");

cout << "Couldn't open file" << endl;
return 1;


// return 0; is not needed, your program will automatically
// do this when there is no return statement

For detailed information on why opening the file didn't work, you could have a look at std::basic_ios::bad() and std::basic_ios::fail(). Checking errno is nothing you want to do when using C++ streams for file handling.

Opening a file to read and write, create it if it doesn't exist

When you open the file using fstream:

  • To read, the file is required to exist;

  • To write you need to specify a write mode, ofstream would do that for you, but with fstream you need to do it yourself:

Replaces the contents of the file when you write (ofstream default mode).

  std::fstream file("NameFile.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::in | std::ios::trunc);

Appends to the existing data in the file when you write.

  std::fstream file("NameFile.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::in | std::ios::app);

Note that after reading or writing you'll need to set the offset position in the file, for instance:

std::string s = "my string";
std::string in;

file << s;
file >> in;

file >> in will not read anything, the position indicator is at the end of the file after file << s, you'll need to reset it if you want to read previously written data, for example:

file << s; 
file >> in;

This resets the read position indicator to the beggining of the file, before the file is read from, more about it here:


fstream and qfile don't create file when .app is executed on mac

When you say you have to write or read a file, Why don't you create this file in some meaningful place, e.g. inside Documents\YourAppName directory?

Rather than depending on OS and Qt implementation provide a valid path with known behavior.

You can use QStandardPathsQt class to find the my documents directory.
So your directory can be QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation

QDir pathToWrite( QStandardPaths::displayName(QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation) + "YourAppName" );

This will give you a defined behavior all the time.

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