Views Overlayed Above Youtubeplayerfragment or Youtubeplayerview in the Layout Hierarchy Cause Playback to Pause Immediately

Views overlayed above YouTubePlayerFragment or YouTubePlayerView in the layout hierarchy cause playback to pause immediately

Jeff - this works as designed. Overlays on top of any of our YouTube players (including the YouTube Android Player) are not supported. When an overlay is detected, playback stops and the log contains information helpful in debugging the issue.
We do support Action Bar overlays, take a look at this demo to learn more:

Android YouTubePlayer with unauthorized overlay on top of player

I faced the same problem today, and for me the error in the logs was:

W/YouTubeAndroidPlayerAPI﹕ YouTube video playback stopped due to unauthorized overlay on top of player. The YouTubePlayerView is not contained inside its ancestor{42686bc8 V.E..... ........ 0,0-1200,675 #7f0a00a0 app:id/video_player}. The distances between the ancestor's edges and that of the YouTubePlayerView is: left: -10, top: -10, right: -10, bottom: -10 (these should all be positive).

I fixed this by removing the padding in the YouTubePlayerView in the layout. So my layout looks like this:

android:background="#000" />


As of youtube api:

YouTubePlayer.ErrorReason.UNAUTHORIZED_OVERLAY: Playback has been stopped due to a view overlaying the player.
Which can be found in here
its might also happen by adding padding, margin or other views created by your activity..

I Can also suggest you creating fresh activity and fragment which contains only youtube view and testing it..

Also maby this links will help you understand more of this issue:


link 2

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