Googleplayservicesutil VS Googleapiavailability

Why does the play-services-analytics dependency not include GooglePlayServicesUtil or GoogleApiAvailability classes?

You can see a list Google Play services dependencies here:

If you run gradlew dependencies on your project, you will see the following:

| \---
| \--- -> 23.1.1 (*)
\--- (*)

The dependnecy, compile '' depends on compile ''.

For ConnectionResult and GoogleApiAvailability, you also need: compile ''.

Also, new HitBuilders.AppViewBuilder().build() is deprecated in favor of new HitBuilders.ScreenViewBuilder().build().

GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog is null

Google suggests (also in docs) calling getErrorDialog() if the result code is SERVICE_MISSING, SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED or SERVICE_DISABLED. So it may be that the last possible status code (SERVICE_INVALID) is what's causing trouble.

I'm using the following code and so far it seems to work ok (testing in emulator, platform 2.3.3):

int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(activity.getApplicationContext());
if (resultCode == ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
} else if (resultCode == ConnectionResult.SERVICE_MISSING ||
resultCode == ConnectionResult.SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED ||
resultCode == ConnectionResult.SERVICE_DISABLED) {
Dialog dialog = GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, activity, 1);;

getErrorDialog is depreciated. What is the updated function, and how might I use it?

However, when I put the getErrorDialog in, it stated that the method
was depreciated, and that I needed to use an 'updated' version.

GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog has been deprecated in favour of GoogleApiAvailability.getErrorDialog , which is not a static method as it was for GooglePlayServicesUtil. You can get an instance of GoogleApiAvailability this way

GoogleApiAvailability apiAvailability = GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance();

and call getErrorDialog on the returned instance

apiAvailability.getErrorDialog(this, resultCode, PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST).show();

where this is a Context's object and resultCode is the return value of isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(Context). You can read more about it here

Google Cloud Messaging: how to ask for google play services availability with GoogleApiAvailability Class

Try this,

private boolean checkPlayServices() {
int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(this);
if (resultCode != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) {
if (GooglePlayServicesUtil.isUserRecoverableError(resultCode)) {
GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, this, PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST).show();
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "This device is not supported.");
return false;
return true;

Check if correct Google Play Service available: Unfortunately application has stopped working

Thanks guys for your responses. I just figured it out from my LogCat.
I had to include this in my Android Manifest.

android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />

When does isGooglePlayServicesAvailable return SERVICE_VERSION_UPDATE_REQUIRED?

Documentation was updated, now it is clear:

Verifies that Google Play services is installed and enabled on this
device, and that the version installed on this device is no older than
the one required by this client

What does my min-sdk version need to be in order to use GoogleApiAvailability?

states: "The Android emulator with an AVD that runs the Google APIs platform based on Android 4.2.2 or higher."

So that's 17 or higher

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