Android: Gles20: Called Unimplemented Opengl Es API

Android - OpenGL: called unimplemented OpenGL ES API

You have asked for OpenGL ES2 in the manifest, but are using GLES1 features in your code. You should use only one API.

Edit: Please use "0x00010001" for android glEsVersion in the manifest. Also remove import android.opengl.GLES20;

libesl called unimplement opengl es API

Did you run it in the emulator or on a proper Android device? The emulator doesn't support OpenGL at all!

Called unimplemented OpenGL ES API message on emulator

Probably that you tried to do something that isn't implemented in the emulator.

Testing stuff on the Android emulator isn't a very nice experience for any kind of application, and for games or other real-time apps, or anything that uses multitouch, you should opt for testing on the device as much as possible anyway, IMHO. So not much lost there.

Android Native NDK OpenGL ES: unimplemented API

Are you using real device (which?), or you are on emulator (which doesn't support OGL ES2)? Also I'm not sure if linking GLESv1_CM and GLESv2 in same app is a good idea. If you want OpenGL ES 2.0, then link only to GLESv2.

How did you initalized EGL context? Did you used EGL attribute EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT like:

EGLint aEGLAttributes[] =
eglChooseConfig(m_EGLDisplay, aEGLAttributes, aEGLConfigs, 1,

OpenGL ES: glDeleteFramebuffers succeeds even with no current Context?

WHICH OpenGL calls need to be made when holding the context?

All of them. Which includes glGetError(). This means that your error checks themselves are invalid if there is no current context.

Even though, I found some claims that glGetError() returns GL_INVALID_OPERATION if there is no current context. But I have not been able to find that behavior defined in the spec. So until somebody shows me otherwise, I'll stick to my claim that calling glGetError() without a current context will give undefined (i.e. implementation dependent) results.

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