How to Mask an Edittext to Show the Dd/Mm/Yyyy Date Format

How to mask an EditText to show the dd/mm/yyyy date format

I wrote this TextWatcher for a project, hopefully it will be helpful to someone. Note that it does not validate the date entered by the user, and you should handle that when the focus changes, since the user may not have finished entering the date.

Update 25/06 Made it a wiki to see if we reach a better final code.

Update 07/06
I finally added some sort of validation to the watcher itself. It will do the following with invalid dates:

  • If the month is greater than 12, it will be 12 (December)
  • If the date is greater than the one for the month selected, make it the max for that month.
  • If the year is not in the range 1900-2100, change it to be in the range

This validation fits my needs, but some of you may want to change it a little bit, ranges are easily changeable and you could hook this validations to Toast message for instance, to notify the user that we've modified his/her date since it was invalid.

In this code, I will be assuming that we have a reference to our EditText called date that has this TextWatcher attached to it, this can be done something like this:

EditText date;
date = (EditText)findViewById(;

TextWatcher tw = new TextWatcher() {
private String current = "";
private String ddmmyyyy = "DDMMYYYY";
private Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

When user changes text of the EditText

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {
if (!s.toString().equals(current)) {
String clean = s.toString().replaceAll("[^\\d.]|\\.", "");
String cleanC = current.replaceAll("[^\\d.]|\\.", "");

int cl = clean.length();
int sel = cl;
for (int i = 2; i <= cl && i < 6; i += 2) {
//Fix for pressing delete next to a forward slash
if (clean.equals(cleanC)) sel--;

if (clean.length() < 8){
clean = clean + ddmmyyyy.substring(clean.length());
//This part makes sure that when we finish entering numbers
//the date is correct, fixing it otherwise
int day = Integer.parseInt(clean.substring(0,2));
int mon = Integer.parseInt(clean.substring(2,4));
int year = Integer.parseInt(clean.substring(4,8));

mon = mon < 1 ? 1 : mon > 12 ? 12 : mon;
cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, mon-1);
year = (year<1900)?1900:(year>2100)?2100:year;
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
// ^ first set year for the line below to work correctly
//with leap years - otherwise, date e.g. 29/02/2012
//would be automatically corrected to 28/02/2012

day = (day > cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE))? cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DATE):day;
clean = String.format("%02d%02d%02d",day, mon, year);

clean = String.format("%s/%s/%s", clean.substring(0, 2),
clean.substring(2, 4),
clean.substring(4, 8));

sel = sel < 0 ? 0 : sel;
current = clean;
date.setSelection(sel < current.length() ? sel : current.length());

We also implement the other two functions because we have to

public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {}

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {}

This produces the following effect, where deleting or inserting characters will reveal or hide the dd/mm/yyyy mask. It should be easy to modify to fit other format masks since I tried to leave the code as simple as possible.

Sample Image

Put a slash in the date of a EditText

Thanks you, after some days i got the solution, this class:

public class EditMMYY extends AppCompatEditText implements TextWatcher
private String sPrev = "";
private int iMon = 0;
private int iYear = 0;

private void InitValue()
setFilters(new InputFilter[] {new InputFilter.LengthFilter(5)});

public EditMMYY(Context context)

public EditMMYY(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)
super(context, attrs);

public EditMMYY(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
// Chequeo que el ingreso sea MM/YY
String sNew = s.toString();
int newLen = sNew.length();

case 0:
iMon = 0;
iYear = 0;
sPrev = sNew;
case 1:
iMon = Integer.parseInt(sNew);
iYear = 0;
if(sPrev.length() == 0 && iMon > 1)
{ // Si se escribe un número mayor que 1, lo tomo como mes
sPrev = String.format("%02d/", iMon);
sPrev = sNew;
case 2:
iMon = Integer.parseInt(sNew);
iYear = 0;
if(sPrev.length() == 1)
// Si ya es un mes válido, lo completo, sino dejo
// sPrev sin cambios hasta que se ingrese algo válido
if(iMon >= 1 && iMon <= 12)
sPrev = String.format("%02d/", iMon);
sPrev = sNew;
case 3:
iMon = Integer.parseInt(sNew.substring(0, 2));
iYear = 0;
if(sPrev.length() == 2)
iMon = Integer.parseInt(sNew.substring(0, 2));
iYear = Integer.parseInt(sNew.substring(2, 3));
sPrev = String.format("%02d/%d", iMon, iYear);
sPrev = sNew;
case 4:
case 5:
iMon = Integer.parseInt(sNew.substring(0, 2));
iYear = Integer.parseInt(sNew.substring(3, newLen));
sPrev = sNew;
sPrev = sNew;
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after)

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s)


public int getMon()
return iMon;

public int getYear()
return iYear;

How to have a specific format for an EditText (dd/mm/yyyy)

just add this to your Oncreate

    et5.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher(){

public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
int after) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Do Nothing

public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
int count) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//Do Nothing

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
ss =input_Dob.getText().toString();
int o = 0;

if ((ss.charAt(2) == '/') && (ss.charAt(4) == '/')) {
Toast.makeText(Create_An_Account.this, "Format Is right", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

} else {
tv5.setText("Invalid Format");

ss = "";



Edittext - Mask with date format

Library author here.

input-mask-android is about text formatting, but your question looks more layout-related.

Three EditText components plus two / labels between them might do the trick. setOnEditorActionListener and TextWatcher listeners will help with cursor movement.

Or you could just put a couple of spaces within curly brackets and call it a day: [00]{ / }[00]{ / }[9900]

I'd also suggest reading more about our affine masks, and then use a couple of patterns for the sake of year correctness:

  • [00]{ / }[00]{ / }[00]
  • [00]{ / }[00]{ / }[0000]

How to allow mm/yyyy format in edittext for entering credit/debit card details

As by my understanding, your date divider must always be at position 2

private static final int CARD_DATE_DIVIDER_POSITION = CARD_DATE_DIVIDER_MODULO - 1; // means divider position is every 2nd symbol beginning with 0

with the above declaration, before appending the date divider, I should test this way ( you can change your isInputCorrect method this way):

 private boolean isInputCorrect(Editable s, int size, int dividerPosition, char divider) {
boolean isCorrect = s.length() <= size;

for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0 && (i + 1) % dividerPosition == 0) {
if (divider=='/') {
if (i==2) {
isCorrect &= divider == s.charAt(i);

} else {
isCorrect &= Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i));

return isCorrect;

And then after the text has changed can be modified a bit to become:

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
card_num = String.valueOf(s);
String ss=cardDateEditText.getText().toString();

Log.i("TAG", "Card Date:" + s);
Log.i("TAG", "Card Date :" + ss);

if (s == cardno.getEditableText()) {
s.replace(0, s.length(), concatString(getDigitArray(s, CARD_NUMBER_TOTAL_DIGITS), CARD_NUMBER_DIVIDER_POSITION, CARD_NUMBER_DIVIDER));

} else if (s == cardDateEditText.getEditableText()) {
if (s.length()<=CARD_DATE_TOTAL_SYMBOLS)

s.replace(0, s.length(), concatString(getDigitArray(s, CARD_DATE_TOTAL_DIGITS), CARD_DATE_DIVIDER_POSITION, CARD_DATE_DIVIDER));


} else if (s == cardCVCEditText.getEditableText()) {
if (s.length() > CARD_CVC_TOTAL_SYMBOLS) {
s.delete(CARD_CVC_TOTAL_SYMBOLS, s.length());




So you test also the length of the editable text.

The date divider must be included only once and just after the month represented by two first characters. That means the last digit must be at 2nd position index 1, at that instant i==1. So no other divider will be appended. I should have to test if the divider set is for date, to know I'm dealing with the date and then test if the index is not greater or equals to 2.

That's how I could handle that. I hope this will help.

Is it possible to split EditText with / to create a date?

You could add the date mask "##/##/##" in your EditText. Here is a tutorial on how to do this:

Date from EditText

getDay() returns the day of week, so this is wrong. Use getDate().

getMonth() starts at zero so you need to add 1 to it.

getYear() returns a value that is the result of subtracting 1900 from the year so you need to add 1900 to it.

abcd - well, you are explicitly adding that to the end of the string so no surprises there :)

SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); 
Date myDate;
try {
myDate = df.parse(date);
String myText = myDate.getDate() + "-" + (myDate.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (1900 + myDate.getYear());
Log.i(TAG, myText);
} catch (ParseException e) {

All of these are deprecated though and you should really use a Calendar instead.

Edit: quick example of Calendar

Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // and so on

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