Get Battery Level Before Broadcast Receiver Responds for Intent.Action_Battery_Changed

Get battery level before broadcast receiver responds for Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED

Is there a way to nudge this to get it working or simply run some code to see what the battery level was on
the last broadcast?

You can call registerReceiver() with your IntentFilter and a null BroadcastReceiver to get the last-broadcast Intent. This works because ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED is a so-called "sticky broadcast", which I describe a bit more in this StackOverflow question-and-answer.

Get Battery Level with BroadcastReceiver in Android Service

take a look at this, it will get you the battery level you need so you can start your service. Just use BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL as the key to get the level from the intent

android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED only when battery level changes not when registering receiver

Nope, there's no real knobs on it. You're registered or you're not. What you can do is set a static variable in your receiver that's defaulted to false. In your onReceive, look at that variable. If it's false, set it to true and return (do nothing else). It its true, process the event. It needs to be a static because receivers are not necessarily the same object between calls if launched via the manifest (haven't checked when registered via registerReceiver).

Android :How to get Battery status without Broadcast Receiver for API level 17 and above?

Intent battery=registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));

battery will contain the last-broadcast ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED Intent, and its extras will contain the battery information, using the extra keys documented on BatteryManager.

(this code will work inside a method of a Context subclass; alternatively, call registerReceiver() on some other Context)

Get battery level only once using Android SDK

The Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED broadcast is what's known as a "sticky broadcast." Because this is sticky, you can register for the broadcast with a null receiver which will only get the battery level one time when you call registerReceiver.

A function to get the battery level without receiving updates would look something like this:

public float getBatteryLevel() {
Intent batteryIntent = registerReceiver(null, new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED));
int level = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL, -1);
int scale = batteryIntent.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE, -1);

// Error checking that probably isn't needed but I added just in case.
if(level == -1 || scale == -1) {
return 50.0f;

return ((float)level / (float)scale) * 100.0f;

More data can be pulled from this sticky broadcast. Using the returned batteryIntent you can access other extras as outlined in the BatteryManager class.

getting BATTERY_CHANGED flg=0x60000010 (has extras) when trying to do something when battery is at a defined level

I figured it out after reading this post

so, instead of


Changed to

_textView2.setText("" + percent);

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