Turning on Wifi Using Wifimanager Stops to Work on Android 10

Turning on wifi using WifiManager stops to work on Android 10

public boolean setWifiEnabled (boolean enabled)

This method was deprecated in API level 29.
Starting with Build.VERSION_CODES#Q, applications are not allowed to enable/disable Wi-Fi.

Compatibility Note: For applications targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q or above, this API will always return false and will have no effect.

If apps are targeting an older SDK ( Build.VERSION_CODES.P or below), they can continue to use this API.

According to documentation, Apps will not be able to turn Wi-Fi OFF/ON anymore from Android-10 API level 29[Until google provides an alternative solution].

For more information see official documentation.

And there is an issue 128554616 has been created in google issuetracker about this.

Android WifiManager not enabling/disabling WiFi state

This API is no longer supported when targeting Android 10 or higher.

Starting with Build.VERSION_CODES#Q, applications are not allowed to enable/disable Wi-Fi. Compatibility Note: For applications targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q or above, this API will always fail and return false. If apps are targeting an older SDK (Build.VERSION_CODES.P or below), they can continue to use this API.

Instead, you should use the Settings.Panel API to present a system UI allowing users to enable or disable Wi-Fi.


Is it possible to programmatically enable wifi on Android 10 devices?

No, This is not possible to enable or disable Wi-Fi programmatically from Android-10 API level 29 [Until google provides an alternative solution].

For applications targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q or above, this API will always return false and will have no effect.

If apps are targeting an older SDK ( Build.VERSION_CODES.P or below), they can continue to use this API.

There is an issue 128554616 which already has been created in google issuetracker forum. You can see there for any updated info.

WifiManager not working on API 29 and higher using Android Studio

setWifiEnabled is deprecated in Android 10+ due to security reasons

This method was deprecated in API level 29.
Starting with Build.VERSION_CODES#Q, applications are not allowed to enable/disable Wi-Fi. Compatibility Note: For applications targeting Build.VERSION_CODES.Q or above, this API will always fail and return false. If apps are targeting an older SDK (Build.VERSION_CODES.P or below), they can continue to use this API.

now your only way is to pass user to Settings GUI, in which Wi-Fi may be enabled manually only

Intent settingsIntent = new Intent(Settings.Panel.ACTION_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY);

Android 10 device doesn't start discovery of wifi direct

As per documentation, you need the permission android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION instead of android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION.

Is the Android Wifi-API really so broken on Android 10+?

Well just a half answer, but it might help anyway. Here is how I get the current SSID of the user (you need to hold the location permission):

fun updateSsid(networkCapabilities: NetworkCapabilities) {
currentSsid = (networkCapabilities.transportInfo as? WifiInfo)?.ssid?.trim('"')

wifiCallback = when {
object: ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback(FLAG_INCLUDE_LOCATION_INFO) {
override fun onCapabilitiesChanged(network: Network, networkCapabilities: NetworkCapabilities) {
object: ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
override fun onCapabilitiesChanged(network: Network, networkCapabilities: NetworkCapabilities) {
else -> null

wifiCallback?.let {
fragment.lifecycle.addObserver(object: DefaultLifecycleObserver {
override fun onResume(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
connectivityManager.registerNetworkCallback(request, it)

override fun onPause(owner: LifecycleOwner) {

So basically aspects of your code need to check apis for the levels <10, 10, 11 and 12. What a mess.

This might be quiet handy if you want the user to pick the configured wifi:

fun showWifiDialog() {
try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
// ignored

Android WiFi Network Switching Not Working - Need some ideas

Turns out this has been deprecated in the latest versions of Android.
so it's not possible to force the device over if you're targeting the latest SDK

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