Android: How to Implement First Time Tutorial Like Go Launcher in My App

android: How can I implement first time tutorial like Go Launcher in my app?

I was trying to do something similar using a transparent activity with a viewpager inside it. I wanted static 'tutorial' images that users could swipe through.

One of the answers to my question mentioned an interesting library (called ShowcaseView). It seems like it may be a good fit for your requirements as well.

How to implement first launch tutorial like Android Lollipop apps: Like Sheets, Slides app?

There is a pretty good library for emulating these first run tutorials:

AppIntro example screenshot

Click for larger image

Determine if Android app is being used for the first time

Another idea is to use a setting in the Shared Preferences. Same general idea as checking for an empty file, but then you don't have an empty file floating around, not being used to store anything

How to Skip the first activity under a condition

You can do that by launching an empty activity (with no UI) and in its OnCreate method depending on some variable information (You can use SharedPreferences perhaps for that purpose) you can decide which Activity to start (Login or Home Screen app).


Btw if the login always leads to the same activity (Home Screen and is not used to login somewhere else) you don't even need the empty activity, you can check this in the Oncreate method of the login activity

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

if (logged_in_check_is_true)
Intent intent = new Intent(this, HomeScreenActivity.class);
this.startActivity (intent);
this.finishActivity (0);


how to implement a deep integrated APP in android, just like facebook launcher

For the app which you will be able to download from April 12th onwards, Facebook has simply made another Launcher. You can see the SDK sample that comes with the Android SDK to see how that works.

On devices that Facebook has developed in partnership with the manufacturers (only HTC First as of now), the launcher is integrated more deeply into the System than the downloadable app, as it has ROM modifications there as well. Facebook Home on the HTC First will be more feature rich than the downloadable Facebook Home.

Android: How to create a launcher

If I understand what you need correctly, you could just create a simple app with just 1 activity and stick this in the onCreate:

Intent viewIntent = new Intent("android.intent.action.VIEW", Uri.parse(""));  

And here are some resources on creating a simple app:

And here is some info on how you can set your app icon:

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