What Are The Default Color Values for The Holo Theme on Android 4.0

What are the default color values for the Holo theme on Android 4.0?

perhaps this is what you're looking for: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/res/values/colors.xml

Color values for Buttons (Normal state) in holo dark theme ICS

Ive got it now. If you want the default colors of Android ICS; you just have to go to your Android SDK and look after platforms\android-15\data\res\values and then colors.
There you go:

 <!-- For holo theme -->
<drawable name="screen_background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</drawable>
<drawable name="screen_background_holo_dark">#ff000000</drawable>
<color name="background_holo_dark">#ff000000</color>
<color name="background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_holo_dark">@android:color/background_holo_light</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_holo_light">@android:color/background_holo_dark</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_disabled_holo_dark">#ff4c4c4c</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_disabled_holo_light">#ffb2b2b2</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_inverse_holo_dark">@android:color/bright_foreground_holo_light</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_inverse_holo_light">@android:color/bright_foreground_holo_dark</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_holo_dark">#bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_disabled_holo_dark">#80bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_holo_dark">#323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_disabled_holo_dark">#80323232</color>
<color name="hint_foreground_holo_dark">#808080</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_holo_light">#323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_disabled_holo_light">#80323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_holo_light">#bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_disabled_holo_light">#80bebebe</color>
<color name="hint_foreground_holo_light">#808080</color>
<color name="highlighted_text_holo_dark">#6633b5e5</color>
<color name="highlighted_text_holo_light">#6633b5e5</color>
<color name="link_text_holo_dark">#5c5cff</color>
<color name="link_text_holo_light">#0000ee</color>

This for the Background:

 <color name="background_holo_dark">#ff000000</color>
<color name="background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</color>

Probably you wont get the same colors if you look this up in Photoshop etc. because its set up with Alpha values.

Color values for Buttons (Normal state) in holo dark theme ICS

Ive got it now. If you want the default colors of Android ICS; you just have to go to your Android SDK and look after platforms\android-15\data\res\values and then colors.
There you go:

 <!-- For holo theme -->
<drawable name="screen_background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</drawable>
<drawable name="screen_background_holo_dark">#ff000000</drawable>
<color name="background_holo_dark">#ff000000</color>
<color name="background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_holo_dark">@android:color/background_holo_light</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_holo_light">@android:color/background_holo_dark</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_disabled_holo_dark">#ff4c4c4c</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_disabled_holo_light">#ffb2b2b2</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_inverse_holo_dark">@android:color/bright_foreground_holo_light</color>
<color name="bright_foreground_inverse_holo_light">@android:color/bright_foreground_holo_dark</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_holo_dark">#bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_disabled_holo_dark">#80bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_holo_dark">#323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_disabled_holo_dark">#80323232</color>
<color name="hint_foreground_holo_dark">#808080</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_holo_light">#323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_disabled_holo_light">#80323232</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_holo_light">#bebebe</color>
<color name="dim_foreground_inverse_disabled_holo_light">#80bebebe</color>
<color name="hint_foreground_holo_light">#808080</color>
<color name="highlighted_text_holo_dark">#6633b5e5</color>
<color name="highlighted_text_holo_light">#6633b5e5</color>
<color name="link_text_holo_dark">#5c5cff</color>
<color name="link_text_holo_light">#0000ee</color>

This for the Background:

 <color name="background_holo_dark">#ff000000</color>
<color name="background_holo_light">#fff3f3f3</color>

Probably you wont get the same colors if you look this up in Photoshop etc. because its set up with Alpha values.

Blue Holo colors appear green on device

The hexcode for holo_blue_bright in the standard Android 4.4.4 is ff00ddff (Source).

The green color that you get is actually the value of user_icon_6, which is described as "light green 500" (Source).

It looks like the manufacturer of your device customized the color palette by replacing the default values with other colors (intentional or not). This means that holo_blue_bright is defined like this in your customized Android version:

<color name="holo_blue_bright">#ff8bc34a</color>

Now that you provided device information, I looked up the source of CM11. The color defined is ff00ddff, which is correct. However, OnePlus develops their own version of Cyanogen OS, so they may have changed the values for the colors. Sadly, I couldn't find the source code for CM11-XNPH05Q, so I can only guess.

I suggest you to ask OnePlus directly about this issue.

Android - Change Holo theme default blue color

I cannot add anything more than this link:


Android Holo Colors Generator

The Android Holo Colors Generator allows you to easily create Android
components such as editext or spinner with your own colours for your
Android application. It will generate all necessary nine patch assets
plus associated XML drawables and styles which you can copy straight
into your project. If you have any question, please refer to the FAQ
or report an issue.


Using Holo-Light theme doesn't set the correct color to TextViews

I've found the cause to this problem.

It wasn't related to any XML or setting styles .

It was because of the LayourInflater of the adapter. I've created it via the application context instead of the one of the activity.

It also explains why my tests on sample projects worked fine, as I've checked the wrong stuff...

Display a holo light option menu icon

The current icon is the Holo Light overflow icon.

You can override the overflow button style of the Holo Light-theme with android:actionOverflowButtonStyle

<style name="Theme.Bloodpressure" parent="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">
<item name="android:actionBarStyle">@style/ActionBar.Solid.Bloodpressure</item>

/* Use Holo Dark style for the overflow icon*/
<item name="android:actionOverflowButtonStyle">@android:style/ActionBar.Holo.ActionButton.Overflow</item>

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