Android.App.Application Cannot Be Instantiated Due to Nullpointerexception cannot be instantiated due to NullPointerException

I did some more tests and lockon the problem in the anonymous inner class for Back button, since the error will appear whenever I clicked this before restarting the app. If I switch activities using the "go back" button on the phone, everything is fine.

I added one line in the inner class


It does solve the problem. I tried to test it more systematical this time. Let's say the code without the above line is A, and the code with this line is B. Scenario goes like follow A then A --> Error A then B --> Error B then A --> OK B then B --> OK

Therefore, I assume it is some kind of problem about the activity stack?

Cannot run app in Android Studio. NullPointerException

I think the error maybe come from the code below in you onCreate:

run = new MainActivity();
wordPick = new String[16];
wordPick = run.Fill(wordPick);

Are you sure you need to create an activity by new Activity()? It's a little strange and not recommended.

try to replace the three lines with :

wordPick = Fill(new String[16]);

Maybe this can help.

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application java.lang.NullPointerException at LoadedApk.makeApplication

Looked into the ICS source code - It seems like for whatever reason the Package Manager can't get your package info - it could just be an eclipse/ADT bug where eclipse holds some kind of lock on the file, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem like something that you could cause with your code. I would suggest running a clean, uninstalling the app from the emulator/device, or if those don't work, you might try a fresh eclipse workspace.

Another thing that might be an issue is if you're using a Library project - try unlinking the two, cleaning, and then linking them back up again - but thats it for my bag o' tricks :)

UPDATE: yorkw gives a better explanation for why this occurs and its resolution here: RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application

FATAL EXCEPTION: main ava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate application java.lang.NullPointerException

Problem is here:

GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask task = new GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask(null, viewCount);

First argument should not be null.

Handler handler = new Handler(new Handler.Callback() {
public boolean handleMessage(Message msg) {
return false;
GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask task = new GetYouTubeUserCommentsTask(handler , viewCount);

NullPointerException in Android app (Bundle?)

The lookup is failing for mCheatButton because you forgot to assign it an id in the landscape version of the activity_quiz.xml layout file.

When you then try to set a ClickListener on a null object that is where the NullPointerException is coming from.

Why do I get NullPointerException when trying to instantiate Mediaplayer? Android Kotlin

Often it is best to wait to use the activity as a context until later in the lifecycle when things have been set up (e.g. in onCreate) to avoid initialization order issues. For exampe:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var soundGenerator : SoundGenerator

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
soundGenerator = SoundGenerator(this)

Alternately, sometimes you can use applicationContext instead of the current activity as an appropriate context.

Unable to Instantiate Service - Java.NullPointerException


WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);

you are trying to get Service context before creation so move initialization of wifi instance inside onStartCommand or onCreate method of WifiPullService service :

public void onCreate() {
// initialize wifi instace here
wifi = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
//....your code here...

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