Could Not Resolve All Dependencies for Configuration ':App:Debugapkcopy'

could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugAPKCopy'

This can happen when there is an error in an update. To fix it open android sdk manager and:

  • Uninstall android support repository
  • Install again android support repository

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugApkCopy'

Try removing your dependencies and rebuilding the app again. Try Clean and rebuild.

ANDROID STUDIO Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'

This is why, because You have enabled using Gradle in offline mode, but there is no cache available there. I hope this will work for you.

Check If you are working in offline mode. If not then please un-check it from below path.

File->Settings->Build,Execution,Deployment->Gradle-> Uncheck Offline Work

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':classpath'

Right, I'm not sure if it will work for others but worked for me.

I changed proxyPort to 8080 and used jcenter instead of Maven. But I had to apply expeption to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. This is what I have in my build.gradle for build script and allprojects

buildscript {
repositories {
jcenter {
url ""

allprojects {
repositories {
jcenter {
url ""

UPDATE: 06/08

I have recently updated Gradle and plugin version and had some problems. It was complaining about plugin

I did some digging around and changed

 jcenter {
url ""


repositories {
maven { url '' }

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:_debugApk'.Configuration with name 'default' not found

Have you checked all the dependencies of your Android project, located in the Android folder?
Inside there is the settings.gradle file. In this file every dependency of your project will be checked.

Example :

include 'your dependencies'

project(':your dependencies').projectDir = new File('path dependencies')

Gradle sync failed: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'

I was able to get around this issue by commenting the following lines in app level build-gradle

   androidTestImplementation ''
androidTestImplementation '

and then it started working not sure if this is an acceptable solution but as of know I can at least run and compile my code.

Also after the Android studio 3.1 update, I have not faced this issue.

Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration :_arm7DebugApkCopy

I'm having the same issue. Looks like the download link might be broken/down?

See the report:

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