Email Verification Using Firebase 3.0 on Android

Email verification using Firebase 3.0 on Android


Email verification is available in version 9.6 and higher of the Firebase SDK for Android.

Original answer

Email verification is not available for Android yet. Also answered here with more context.

Firebase auth email verification message

If you mean the web page that they get to when they click the link, there is no way to customize the existing page. But you can create your own page, and host it (for example on Firebase Hosting). For full documentation on this process, see the documentation on creating a custom email action handler.

Android Firebase Email Validation

You cannot prevent users from creating an account on Firebase Authentication with an email account they don't own.

That is precisely why you'd implement email verification in your app: to you can prevent those users from accessing other resources. For example, you can ensure that only users with a verified email address can access the Firebase Database with:

"rules": {
".read": "auth.token.email_verified == true"

See my answer here for an extended version of that: How do I lock down Firebase Database to any user from a specific (email) domain?

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